Allowing Greater Creativity

What an amazing weekend!

In addition to finally breaking through a challenging aspect of building out Subtext, I stumbled across a really great new book on creativity, Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo.

I actually found out about it through the service that delivers these emails, Convertkit. Isa Adney, their official storyteller, recounts in a blog post how she was inspired by Marie to change the way she approaches writing.

The best part?

She used Dramatica to do it, and didn’t even realize it!

Those of you familiar with the theory will totally recognize the specific narrative Elements for her story, but for those who don’t, I went ahead and published a new blog post on the entire thing this morning.

Read Allowing Greater Creativity Through Story Structure

It’s always amazing to me to see these ideas and concepts in the real world–and even more meaningful when in the context of creating.

James R. Hull @jhull