



: The most importantttant line from today’s OpenAI blog on how Voice Engine works: It’s …

: OpenAI held a Build Hour this week on Function Calling and hardly anyone talks about it. The …

: I love that I can keep Muse up-to-date with the latest movies. Here’s one about Dream …

: Building with AI is so ridiculously fun. Latest addition? Muse can now build new “empty” …

: Latest episode of “Fun with Subtxt” is out. Continued my development of my Elf/Christmas …

: OAI fine-tuning engineer with the win: 🤣🤣

: RedditAMA with OpenAI CEO. Good news for those using AI to develop their stories…no matter how …

: All of us after Monday’s 10am presentation.

: One of the fun things about building up an AI based on decades of narrative study, is remembering …

: Managed to fold in Subtxt’s ReviewAI tool into Muse over the weekend, and it’s turned …

: OpenAI, teach me LLMs as if I was five: AI models learn from relationships in information to create …

: User feedback is best feedback: I’m convinced the new Muse in Subtxt Infinite is nearly …

: Finally saw The Iron Claw. Crazy story, can’t believe it was real. Also can’t believe that a story …

: Didn’t take half as long as I thought it would implementing this…Muse speaks! 🔊

: I stand corrected. I guess Sandra was innocent!

: Subtxt Infinite, my newly released version of my story development AI, just helped answer a complex …

: Pretty sure I just unlocked an entirely new artform - crafting narrative before writing it out …

: Big release day for Subtxt Infinite 🚀

: Use Subtxt to Refine (that’s me!) 😄

: GPT-4 at GPT-2 prices would change the entire world.

: I guess gpt-2-chatbot is better, but all I notice is how much longer the response is…who’s paying …

: Icy Echoes in the Void Used Muse to quickly whip up a story based on my favorite Bluesky account (This spaceship does not …

: Figured out a way to concretely explain the difference between Subtxt and other paradigms of …

: John Scalzi speaks the truth in his one-year anniversary post: I think the Bluesky technical and …

: I finally got Memory in Chat! 🎉

: Turns out there are others who deeply care about great storytelling. ❤️

: Posted another short video on narrative theory. Perfect for those looking to write better stories. …

: The new Assistants API is so crazy good that my only concern now is being able to afford what will …

: Developing a New Story with Muse Developed a fun new holiday movie with Muse called “A Tale of Two Spirits”, an alternate history and …

: GPT-4 Turbo (4.2 or 4.5…) is now teaching me NEW things about a narrative theory I’ve …

: Everyone wastes so much of their time posting about the deficiencies of AI, projecting their fears …

: Just speechless with this one. Mr. Mazzucchelli 🙏🏼

: Have to say, this Assistants API from OpenAI is really astounding. Not having to manage conversation …

: So apparently, publishing YouTube videos is a GREAT way to advertise your product. Who knew?!

: OpenAI picked a helluva day to completely blow up the Assistants API. 😮 The new improvements are …

: As someone who considers himself technically-inclined, I found it interesting that I could never …

: I know we’re all waiting for 1pm Pacific to see what happens, but on a lighter note: I’m surprised …

: Published a short little video on Three Body Problem’s Problem.

: For real, the greatest class EVER teaching writing meaningful narratives just now played out. So so …

: Hahaha 😂 404 page sung by AGI

: This is absolutely incredible. Feel like I’m living in a sci-fi movie. Feel the AGI

: Finally. Something new from OpenAI. Just switched out the models for Subtxt and the inference speed …

: Very excited to reveal the first ever VIDEOGAME storyform into Subtxt! After my video yesterday, a …

: AI Storytelling and Video Games - new video on the Subtxt YouTube channel, all about modeling the …

: Kindof sorta love Sugar on AppleTV.

: Getting used to that full-frame action, covering how to directly input your story’s subtext …

: Writing stories is how we make sense of our lives. Off-loading that process to an LLM without an …

: Cool. Thanks to YouTube livestream technology, I just got to ride Star Tours and see the new Ashoka …

: Thanks to Suno, Subtxt now has a theme song. 😄…

: Seven scariest words in the world: “A new version of Descript is ready!” 😱

: Just unlocked a great use case and time-saver for AI. Spent the last hour or so personally writing …

: Easily, the GREATEST class ever teaching this material and going over the Storyform. We had so much …

: Now that Flare can display Laravel 11’s context I’ll definitely be taking advantage of this …

: Just added a mind-blowingly awesome feature into Subtxt. You could always Develop Storypoints with …

: Very interesting. OpenAI’s former Developer Relations Lead Logan Kirkpatrick is now at Google. …

: Got my first block on Bluesky! My crime? Letting a game developer know they had nothing to worry …

: Built a little step-by-step progress bar to help with onboarding new users. Hoping to make it easier …

: Now that it makes sense to make this live again (since you don’t need a ChatGPT account to use …

: Chat is now free to use without an account, which finally makes offering a CustomGPT to advertise …

: I am completely fascinated with people who livestream from Disneyland for hours at a time day after …

: I miss the days when OpenAI actually released something. Election-year buzzkill makes this spring …

: So many great ideas in this LangChain newsletter. Right now, Muse is all about remembering, but the …

: Subtxt, with the killer explanation as to how both Hale and Mollie stood on the same side of the …

: Jotted down some notes on Tuesday’s class, where we uploaded the first Act of “The …

: I always say this after teaching this one particular class to cohort students, but boy, do I LOVE …

: Man, if I had known Vue 3 was this much fun to work with, I would’ve switched over a long time ago. …

: At Sequoua’s recent AI Ascent event, LLM architect Andrej Karpathy says to build more ramps, …

: The newly rebranded Subtxt University! For all your narrative needs (really, just a way to bring all …

: LOL, was teaching a class on character arcs just now and someone asked if you could …

: Inspired by the new Sora videos, I went ahead and showed how you could use Muse to take the …

: Not a coincidence at all that this blog post from OpenAI about Sora First Impressions releases at …

: Ilia Malinin landing SIX QUADS in a single performance is one of the most awe-inspiring things I …

: Found a way for me to more easily train Muse when it comes to the relationships between thematic …

: Just used my own creation Muse to frame the plot of an example story I’m building in the …

: Spent the evening tumbling down the YouTube rabbit hole of red heifers, third temples, and Texas …

: Rebuilding Subtxt’s frontend from the ground-up to take advantage of all the latest tech and …

: This month’s moment of Mazzucchelli zen:

: I choose green. “To war then!” House of the Dragon 🐉

: Gotta say, rebuilding the entire frontend of Subtxt using ChatGPT to update components to latest and …

: It makes me so happy that Muse is constantly updated and ever-evolving to include more examples than …

: Kinda feel like this is going to be my last relaxing weekend for a couple months given the rumors of …

: Asked Chat about “abiding centerlessness” and not sure if I can give up my favorite hobby: The …

: Finally figured out that Kacey Musgrave’s “To Good To Be True” is just a ripoff of “Breathe 2AM”, so …

: Nothing better than a great new group of cohort students. 🎓🙏🏼

: The Storyform for Academy Award-winning Screenplay Anatomy of a Fall is now up in Subtxt. Most …

: AI is amazing! Building out a new feature, it generates a character called “Sir …

: Anatomy of a Fall was great if for no other reason than it explores the difference between what we …

: Was going to respond to this post about 1M context windows and how now you can “put your whole book …

: Wanting to know more about the B&W scenes in Zone of Interest, I stumbled across this …

: Pretty stoked, after a rather quiet winter, enrollment in the Spring edition of my Maven cohort is …

: Spending the next quarter upgrading Subtxt to the latest and greatest version of Vue. This article …

: Zone of Interest was quite surprising to say the least.

: Published the Storyform for Poor Things into Subtxt. Required a fresh build from scratch as it is …

: Still love movies. 2024 Oscars 🎬🎞️

: Muse finally gets it. You don’t know how difficult it is to “un-train” an LLM from …

: New frontend on the way. 😃

: It’s official, heading back to Vue for frontend. Everything comes full circle. ⃝

: As Twitter becomes more and more irrelevant, seems like it was about time to move my company’s …

: Uploaded the Storyform for American Fiction into Subtxt (really great film if you haven’t seen …

: American Fiction was quite delightful. 📚

: I would not be surprised if Elon shut down Twitter so no one could talk about the latest OpenAI …

: Rolled out Infinite Memory for Subtxt Muse yesterday. Even added the ability to “mute” …

: When I was in 8th grade, I would put hidden notes in my giant history projects to make sure my …

: Who turned EVERYONE on today?!!?! 🥳🥂🎉🚀

: I invite everyone to watch the latest drops from #Sora with this Terminator ambience. The surreal …

: Dark mode on the OpenAI playground - finally! MY EYES! 😭

: If this is your definition of subtext: “Subtext in writing is the underlying meaning or …

: Bluesky hit an inflection point for me this week. All of a sudden it’s very very much alive and I …

: I Built an App That is Self-aware AI Storytelling and Dramatica? One of the theory’s co-creators has some thoughts: AI is a …

: Had to watch 21 Pilot’s Overcompensate twice in a row it was that good. 🥁

: It’s OK to be hopeful about Horizon: An American Saga, right? 🐴🤠

: Nothing more important than supporting your very first client that showed up ten years ago and took …

: OpenAI simplifies API pricing page, listing per/1M tokens instead of per/1K tokens. Two things: a) …

: Feeling pretty good about this rebrand of my cohort: The Future of AI and Storytelling. Reflects a …

: Wonderful! You can check out all the hashtag posts from a single user. I love Bluesky so much 😊 I …

: Bluesky now has mute words and I’m in heaven!!! Muted X and now I can mute the last semblance of …

: This is the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen. And it’s not hyperbole or hype. Muse …

: I can’t believe what I just made. Blog post coming.

: So I guess the theme for 2024 is businesses who want to hook into Subtxt for their own storytelling …

: There should be a rule that people can’t say “orders of magnitude” when referring to AI.

: This month’s killer full-page shot:

: When you’ve been fine-tuning your story development chatbot for 15 years, and didn’t …

: Recorded a big video going over Subtxt’s Narrative Agents (Auto-GPT for story development). Though …

: That’s a wrap on another round of the AI-Powered Storytelling cohort workshops! Always a wonderful …

: James Briggs on Semantic Routing and Pinecone. One of the more frustrating aspects of building an AI …

: Just spent the last hour or two animating CSS with natural language. Took my animation skills and …

: Made some improvements to Subtxt’s image generation. Whole different ballgame than using …

: Emerged from meditation with the thought that I need to delete Twitter and LinkedIn. Did so, then …

: Random Twitter voice asks: projection seems like a basic fact of psychology but i still don’t …

: 16-year old animator frets about the future of animation after seeing Sora. Animator several decades …

: Eyvind Earle drone photography is my new jam! 🤩 GanWeaving

: With Subtxt, you can ensure those five seconds are not wasted.

: When a new user starts subscribing during the .19% of downtime from OpenAI over the past 90 days. …

: Really fantastic and accessible explanation of how Sora works Previous text-to-video approaches …

: Gilfoyle. Always giving me crap, even when it’s clearly a typo.

: Fine-tuning Content Moderation for Fictional Storytelling One of the benefits of Subtxt over something like ChatGPT or Claude is the ability to fine-tune or …

: Guess what I’m reading before bedtime tonight?! Video Generation Models as World Simulators …

: Pretty convinced that 10-min. video recorded feedback of student’s submissions are the way to …

: Instead of writing about the experience of deep-diving into the narrative of Oppenheimer with my AI …

: Asked once again about the difference between ChatGPT and Subtxt (“Why can’t I just use …

: I KNEW Google’s 1M token claim was because OpenAI was about to drop something incredible. I did not …

: Pinecone’s new Serverless Vector Database is more than just a cheaper AWS implementation. Some …

: The recording of last night’s analysis of Oppenheimer, hosted by Dramatica theory co-creator …

: Uploaded the narrative structure of Oppenheimer into Subtxt. Interestingly enough: same Pivotal …

: The Dramatica Users Group analysis for March 24 is going to be Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles: Mutant …

: Ebon-Moss as the Thing in Fantastic Four is such perfect casting. I’d actually go see it just for …

: There is just nothing quite like developing a story with both imagery and text at the same time, …

: From Paul Graham: Historically, letting technology eliminate their jobs has been a sacrifice people …

: Probably not a good sign that I only now just got access to the @ GPTs. Means I won’t get memory for …

: A trip of happiness on Valentine’s Eve. 💘

: Oh, you know. Just asking a super-intelligent story analyst to help me better understand the …

: Descript’s constant updating and changing things is a constant reminder to me to not do the …

: Guess I picked a good week to work on extending Subtxt’s memory. OpenAI rolls out memory and …

: I really like Discord’s design aesthetic, but man, most people just use it as their own …

: On Stories and Blind Spots In the Winter 24 Advanced AI-Powered Storytelling Workshop, one student is finding out what many …

: Everyone is rightfully excited about uploading drafts into Subtxt and getting feedback. But what …

: Uploaded the textbook-perfect tragedy, Griselda into Subtxt. Will be using this one for a long-time …

: I work really hard to make Subtxt great, so seeing this random tweet out in the wild (and in …

: One of the many surprises of building with LLMs is how it opens up collaboration across cultures. …

: How is this even possible?!!

: Guess everyone really enjoys uploading their entire manuscripts for analysis. 😅

: Received an email from a writer wondering who the Antagonist of Good Will Hunting but couldn’t …

: Big morning to wake up to.🤩 Subtxt could already do what it does today, but something about …

: First report back from user uploading entire screenplay into Muse (“This is insane!”).

: Chris Surdak on AI: LLMs are context-less. #promptengineering is nothing but making sure that uses …

: Trying to explain to writers in the workshop yesterday how a narrative works when the Main …

: Fun little super hack, just tell ChatG the top 3 things you want to do today, and receive back a …

: Doing my part in the battle against the machines and bad storytelling. Here’s ChatGPT’s …

: OpenAI adds metadata to images now (and by extension, vis dev created in Subtxt has the same).

: Everybody can sign up for Bluesky now. No invite needed. Everyone who is anyone: make the switch. SO …

: The headline I’ve been working for the past seven years.

: Oppenheimer soundtrack hits differently when it’s raining outside. ⛆

: Many requested a weekend version of my AI-Powered Storytelling Workshop, as they found it difficult …

: Blog post on Narrative First about this weekend’s AI-storytelling breakthrough.

: MAJOR key unlocked today! Took the first Act of Saltburn and fed it into Subtxt to have it evaluate …

: If this weekend is any indication of the next eight months, I am going to be VERY VERY busy. 😅

: From Vox, Everybody has to self-promote. No one wants to: You’re getting worse at your art, …

: This is unreal. In the same way that blogging about story for 15 years set me up perfectly for …

: Just unlocked a whole ‘nother level of Muse here. Now, instead of random …

: Whoever plugged everybody back in, thanks! More emails/chats/new customers/comments today than …

: Oh man! This new interaction offers up so much more detail and variance of experience for …

: Starting tracking individual API calls to OpenAI with different keys for different features. WAY …

: Added some clarity to the Subtxt Guide that I think is quite nice: Narrative Agents are for quickly …

: Love this quote today from Louie Bacaj ( The risk is, and always was, that you might …

: Added a quick little section to the Guide explaining how Subtxt’s AI tools work (and how they …

: Woke up to a high-pitched whine in the air. Either the NTIs have finally decided to show themselves …

: When you finally roll out something you’ve been working super hard on for two days, then find …

: Published a quick little video tut on Setting the Focus of Conflict in a narrative whilst in Subtxt …

: Man, I love teaching. Such a phenomenal last two hours and SO GRATEFUL that I found a way to teach …

: Been waiting for this. Now all my virtual employees can virtually use ChatGPT as their virtual …

: Starting soon: (because Laravel is really all you need)

: Set the date for Feb’s Deep Narrative Theory Workshop. Films with similar thematic structures: …

: Perfect timing. The guy in charge of creating the framework I’m intending on using to redo the …

: I heard JK (my old boss) made a prediction that animation would suffer 90% job loss due to AI. Then …

: Rolled out a massive new update to the Subtxt Guide: Illustrating Storybeats. Everything you ever …

: January was excruciatingly slow, but can already feel it picking up her towards the end. OpenAI …

: Finally decided to do a group analysis of All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. We’re …

: Brand new tutorial on what it means to alter a Storyform halfway through the writing process, and …

: “If we don’t put tentpole movies in movie theaters, there won’t be movie theaters …

: Oh ok, Jeremy Allen White. Big deal. So you can scale the fire escape of a NY flat—but what do you …

: Based on requests from users, I added Dan Harmon’s “Story Circle” technique to the …

: The deadline for Converge 2 (OpenAI’s $1m startup fund) is this evening. And while I would …

: Why I prefer to roll my own RAG: Lastly, this isn’t to do with cost but there is a LOT more …

: OK, wow. Yeah. GPT-4 is DEFINITELY not lazy anymore. Jeez. Leave some code for me. 😅

: Life is mundane without an OpenAI release–so today is exhilarating! ☀️ New GPT-4 Turbo out …

: Finally was able to publish my latest video on “Storyforming Past Lives”. Beautiful film …

: Always amazes me how just a few small tweaks in an AI app makes such a HUGE difference in the …

: This month’s comic book post of greatness:

: Uploaded the Storyform for Past Lives into Subtxt. This was a unique one unlike any of the others …

: The score for Saltburn is surprisingly exquisite. Highly recommend. 🎻 🎹 🎶

: We’re about to enter the exponential world of Hero’s Journey/Save the Cat! If anything, …

: Of course, the narrative structure of Past Lives is so unique that Subtxt has to build it from …

: After doing the Storyforms for The Holdovers and Saltburn, I somehow woke up with the Storyform for …

: Uploaded the storyform for the magnificent Saltburn into Subtxt.

: Took me about a year, but I’m starting to see the art of building a non-deterministic AI app …

: Bizarre change in my morning social media catch-up: I find way more value in the OpenAI Dev Forums …

: Something about this just looks like pure art to me. It’s the logic for the Assistants API from …

: So I guess with Saltburn we’re just back to making great movies again?

: Published a new video on finding the unique narrative Storyform for The Holdovers. Wonderful film …

: Another reason why running daily evals while serving an AI app is so important. A few tweaks can cut …

: Dang it! Users are starting to catch on that basic story generation is defaulting to a classic …

: To be honest, running an AI app is all-encompassing. There really isn’t any time for anything …

: 15 years later, still have to show writers and producers that not every Main Character has to …

: May December: flipping 180s to put you right in the center of it all. 🎨

: What it’s like to develop a story visually with Subtxt and Subtxt Muse: Visualizing a …

: As someone with a productive AI app built with LLMs, I certainly don’t agree with this: RAG …

: Thinking about Newton’s 3-Body Problem and education this morning. The past 15 years have been …

: So wait. You’re telling me that the musicians behind Oppenheimer listened to click tracks that …

: Ok. Attention to detail alert: Bluesky offers dark mode splash screen of the clouds now. So good. 🚨

: When image generation goes horribly wrong. 🤣

: ChatGPT + Arizona State University. Who else doesn’t want to be left behind? “ASU …

: So funny to me how so many of us are on the same trip. Uplimit’s AI-Powered Learning feature …

: Just the beginning. The winner of Japan’s most prestigious literary award acknowledged that …

: AI is just a quicker way to get to what a lot of writers refer to as a “vomit draft.” …

: Thanks to Laracasts and its AI-Generated Images episode, I was able to get my app to start …

: Coming soon to Subtxt…

: Just published a big write-up about starting to develop a modern-day “Casablanca” set in …

: Finally figured out how to run the monthly “Wide World of Narrative” workshops today. …

: So apparently this is possible now. With the new breakthrough this week, you can easily draw upon …

: My Trinity…BG Music

: Did not expect to be so excited about starting to teach again the AI-Powered Storytelling workshop. …

: Reading through the Pinecone Serverless announcement. Hybrid search is in there, which means …

: You know I’ll be trying out Pinecone’s new serverless vector database. While this …

: Added a little bit of social proof to Subtxt’s landing page. 😊

: I’ve found that the reduction in overhead frees up more conceptual levels of thinking, how it …

: I know Python is the hotness when it comes to AI, but to me–there’s no lower barrier to …

: For those building on the Assistants API: biggest speed improvement: setting up thread ahead of …

: New page in the OpenAI docs about how they built the GPT Builder is the single greatest page on the …

: Notes on the Bill Gates podcast with Altman Grabbed this off the site that’s just about selling gummies: Sam Altman REVEALED key details About …

: Devs behind OpenAI’s GPTBuilder did an AMA this week. Discord, as usual, is a nightmare to …

: Well, this is certainly good news 😃

: The new spinny thing when ChatGPT loads up its voice assistant is so freaking good.

: That moment when your finely-tuned AI-powered storytelling machine just works. ⚡️😇

: Google DeepMind-er speeds up his AI timeline predictions. Better than 95% of economically valuable …

: Overheard: At ycombinator W24 kickoff today, Sam Altman suggested ppl build w/ the mindset GPT-5 and …

: New AI-Powered Storytelling Workshops Been obsessed lately with getting things done and getting stories across the finish line more so …

: Is it healthy to keep listening to the “Destroyer of Worlds” track off of Oppenheimer …

: “Tech bros” is such a great RegEx filter. No one who uses that phrase should be taken seriously.

: Well, here we go! With the official release of OpenAI’s GPT Store, expect to see more and more …

: 2024 is going to be the year of the LLM “tool_call”. Everywhere I look I see, “hmm that could be a …

: Enrollment is picking up for the AI-Powered Storytelling cohort that starts next week! Get a …

: My favorite kind of morning. ☀️

: Over-engineering vs under-engineering. Context is everything (in other words, do what works for you …

: Another thought for everyone bemoaning the current state of generative AI art and its …

: Well, that worked exceedingly well the first time. 😄 Added an “explanation” property …

: Pinecone (the vector store behind Subtxt’s smarts) walks you through using Canopy, their open source …

: To everyone jumping up and down with joy about The NY Times lawsuit: OpenAI educates you on the …

: Andrej Karpathy on naming conventions: I’m playing around with calling our tech, as it is today, IA …

: “Attention is all you need” spelled out in this great step-by-step tutorial on building …

: I figured out the one person I’m “writing” the Six-Figure AI App for…(old …

: The GPT Store from OpenAI releases next week. With a couple years behind me, I can say that without …

: Just got my first “multi_tool_use.parallel” in action. The tools it …

: Ahh! This is GREAT news. 🚀 Huge news for OpenAIDevs: API key based usage is here 🥳 To get started, …

: I can’t wait until the GPT Store rolls out next week and everyone finds out that there is SO …

: Subtxt: it’s not just for screenplays.

: Ethan Mollick has a completely generated AI video of himself (with a crazy-realistic and random mic …

: Crazy to me the differences between GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4 Turbo when it comes to the recent …

: Overheard today: Midjourney CEO in office hours just said he thinks they “can get to the holodeck” …

: Great article about a great writer (“Logan” and “The Queen’s Gambit” …

: The JSON response from GPT-3.5 Turbo has degraded so much that I can’t use it anymore in …

: Wish Brockman from OpenAI posted elsewhere besides X. Until then I’ll just copy and paste …

: Posted the Dramatica Users Group analysis of Barbie event into the Narrative First School Join us …

: Published a new article on Narrative First, all about How to Use a Storyform for Developing a New …

: While most of Bluesky cries over AI-“plagiarism”, there are others building the future …

: Absolutely great quote from Arvid Kahl: Making money is a consequence of making a difference in …

: Molick posts a paper covering AI reasoning: One contentious debate in AI research is about the …

: This is more about people enjoying being a part of the creative process. They’re actually enjoying …

: Everyone so excited about potential lawsuits over “stolen” artwork have no idea …

: with a great new package for creating PDFs in Laravel apps. Wondering what it would mean …

: OpenAI’s chief engineer Greg Brockman’s prediction for AI in 2024: Prediction: 2024 …

: I “work” every day of the week, but am happier than when I only worked Monday through Friday. The …

: Jay Clouse with a great list of strategies for starting to your own digital business. I did every …

: I believe what Yann is suggesting is that there exist more lucrative methods for disseminating …

: Found some time today to upload the Storyform of The Abyss into Subtxt. Theory and Hunch are at the …

: The Abyss in 4K at home…😍

: I see articles like this posted on Bluesky, and I so badly would love to share all the positive …

: One of my favorite discoveries of 2023 was Thomas Flight. His channel gives me hope that cinema is …

: A balanced non-panicky take on copyright and LLMs. Love how it calls The NY Times out for what …

: The NYTimes suing OpenAI and Apple courting NYTimes for AI are totally not connected at all.

: Finally saw Killers of the Flower Moon this week. While extremely long, I was never bored and quite …

: Took me all day, but FINALLY got parallel tool calling with OpenAI to work! 🎉

: Sorry Substack people, I’m out.

: Daily appreciation of the greatest comic book artist ever, D.M.

: Bluesky - the “billionaire-proof” social network. Yay! Looking forward to permanently dropping all …

: Just discovered the Black Rain OST Hans Zimmer greatness from 1989. At 30-minutes we get the …

: Our long national nightmare of widowed headlines is officially over. Tailwind adds text-wrap

: Subtxt - the only predictive narrative framework that compares Star Wars to Good Will Hunting to the …

: Just signed up for’s Retrieval Augmentation Course. Interested to see how much of it …

: 2024: It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not …

: Funny. I read this quote from the weak-to-strong paper: We cannot directly study this problem …

: ChatGPT is suddenly way better again (can confirm) and everyone thinks they “fixed” something. It’s …

: A nice gentleman recently posted about Subtxt’s pricing structure. It was a wonderful …

: Working a bit with multiple tool calls within a single request this evening (OpenAI). Floored by the …

: The key to a successful refactor is having the right team.

: Refactoring refactoring factoringre toringrefac ingrefactor refactoring.

: Looks like they finished training Q*/GPT-5 as Plus subscriptions are back online. 😃

: Building Dream Machines - the latest on AI tech and advanced storytelling from Narrative First. ✨

: Subtxt must be the only GPT-4 that doesn’t suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder). …

: Updating all my function calls to “tool choice” calls because it’s OpenAI and it always changes. …

: Learning about recursion tonight and it turns out that’s how Subtxt works! A story function that …

: As I start to build out all the content for Six-Figure AI App, I’m realizing that I’ve …

: Overheard about 2024: A society of people that are willing to understand on their own to create …

: Andrej Karpathy on “hallucinations” being a feature, not a bug. I’ve always been …

: Beyond excited about this new page in the guide - didn’t realize there were four (!) different …

: Cleaning up documentation for Subtxt and there are some features that I installed a year ago that I …

: Beautiful new notebooks for writers - from iA. Not available yet, but you can sign up and with …

: Having way too much fun putting this all together. 😃

: New version of the Subtxt Guide is now up. Way simpler, way clearer, with tons of examples (most …

: Every time I open this, I feel like OpenAI is flipping me off. 😄

: Best part about having clients/users all over the world? They send you local coffee beans from …

: Fascinating read on non-deterministic responses from GPT-4, even with temp set to 0. Was going to …

: Finally got myself all set up with those fancy shop links at the top of my Twitter profile.

: Found this YouTube video: AI Apps Making $20,000+ per month with 1 person teams and spent the whole …

: Seventeen years ago I started blogging about story structure and a particular theory of story I …

: Starting to see more and more of this (Building SaaS in a Weekend), which only confirms my …

: Funny to see ‘text-davinci-003’ getting sunsetted by Jan. 4th. I remember when that was …

: Building something wish I had six years ago when I started building Subtxt: Six-Figure AI App. …

: Pretty sure I really enjoyed Oppenheimer.

: Laravel Pulse is aptly named - Subtxt feels alive!

: Wrote a little bit about iA’s new release of iA Writer 7. Basically, just wanted to test out …

: Absolutely love IA writer’s approach to integrating AI…all I can think about it how to …

: Only bummer with this announcement from OpenAI is the lack of clarity on Ilya’s role going …

: Forgot to upgrade to the Whisper v3! Be interesting to see if there is any noticeable difference. …

: Forgot to upgrade to the Whisper v3! Be interesting to see if there is any noticeable difference. …

: It’s not going to be enough to simply upload transcripts and hope for the best. You’re …

: Discovered AJR last week, and found two songs that were GREAT introductions to really deep narrative …

: Maven Monday is today, which means you can 25% off a bunch of courses there (mine is one of the …

: After watching Karpathy’s new intro video to LLMs it’s apparent why prompt engineering …

: 24 hours from concept to live site, complete with presale payment-link! Introducing Six-Figure AI …

: Had some fun last night talking to Muse about the implications of re-arranging the order of the …

: On copyright and plagiarism: “This is nonsensical,” he wrote in the order. “There is no way to …

: Watching Karpathy’s intro to LLMs. Great for those all new to this stuff, just learning how to use …

: Finally. This long nightmare of stress is over. Everyone back at OpenAI, with just one major change: …

: Hah! After outlining a story with some new algorithms, I asked a Persona based on me to actually …

: Cannot fully describe in words how much I absolutely love this song.

: First time doing the “I do, We do, They do” approach for teaching - SO MUCH more fun and …

: Fascinating image here on why using up all the context when working with AI is not always a good …

: Watching DevDay again just to send out good vibes.

: The fact that the employees behind the company that serves Subtxt’s AI services (OpenAI) are doing …

: This 48 hour rollercoaster just came back into the station.

: Thank God. Does this mean I can go to sleep now?

: Unbelievable.

: Iconic.

: Woah. Sam is back tomorrow AND a 5-day fighting freeze. ✌️

: This is what happens when you get so motivated by external events, that you rollout exponentially …

: Looks like we already turned a corner on this - board was supposed to resign by 5pm, but missed the …

: Going to go to sleep and wake up tomorrow and find out that it was all a bad dream.

: Proof once again: never ever work for anyone else. Even IF they’re not paying you a thing.

: Best part about ChatGPT getting long-term memory like this? It runs on the Assistant API, which …

: WONDERFUL tutorial on using the new Assistants API from OpenAI in Laravel. Still going to hold off …

: OK. Woah. I think I may have just unlocked some craziness using OpenAI’s latest models. Like …

: Love this new setup. You can just reference a character you like in a story, and if Subtxt has …

: So, apparently I can just use Laravel Scout to search my models more “fuzzy-like” (for …

: Made a fun little GPT called “Subtx Muse, Jr.” who is a very much paired-down version of …

: When someone sends me proof that other GPTs can do the same thing that Subtxt can, but it requires …

: Talk about looking “with better eyes”, this looks phenomenal! The Abyss in 4K

: Upgraded everything in Subtxt to OpenAI’s new JSON response format. SO NICE finally being able …

: Ack! They’re starting to rollout videos from last week’s DevDay conference. Can’t …

: I know this is supposed to be some sort of anti-AI thing, but all I see is, “Look, AI can make …

: What happens when you get 10/10 feedback from students in your last cohort? Why, your current rating …

: Feeling like I should gift Dave Filoni a subscription to Subtxt … (full conversation here)

: OpenAI’s new model updates have really taken Subtxt Muse to the next level. Company blog post …

: 😂

: Let’s go!

: Paul Graham on AI businesses: Two ways for an AI company to protect itself from competition: (a) …

: So frustrating. Wife got the new GPTs before me. She doesn’t even use these things!!!!!

: What the what?! Pinecone comes out with Canopy, a RAG framework, right when I was just getting …

: Coming down from Monday’s event, but still reeling from some of the responses coming back from …

: Glad to be a part of the “exponential” 20s.

: Right. So I don’t know what’s real anymore. I’m trying to test out more reliable …

: And just like that 10 months of hacky-JSON errors ends with the very convenient response_format key. …

: Blown away yet again in the midst of teaching a cohort this afternoon. Asked one question about the …

: Notes on OpenAI’s Retrieval Process Boris (tech engineer at OpenAI) on that retrieval slide: There’s so much to be said about …

: This is an important slide from one of the breakout sessions at yesterday’s DevDay. But without the …

: Alexander Wang, CEO of ScaleAI: more has happened in the last year of AI than the prior 10 I can …

: The amount of people proclaiming the “bloodbath” fallout from OpenAI’s release day …

: Overheard on Twitter: The real thing OpenAI did is make it way easier to be a micro-entrepreneur. A …

: Ok. So we’re back to that moment in time when GPT-4 came out, and I would just sit stunned at …

: Probably going to have to hold off Custom Models for now. 😄

: Unbelievable presentation from OpenAI today. Assistant API basically cleans up and makes Muse WAY …

: Showered, booted up, strapped in, and ready for the next wave of The Exponential Age, courtesy of …

: It’s the weirdest thing. The Discord server my app/niche is essentially dead—yet, my app has never …

: Was venturing back and forth on Twitter/X but the whole Grok thing is so embarrassing I just can’t …

: The Exponential Age. I kinda like the sound of that.

: OpenAI DevDay Leaks The leaks coming out today for Monday’s event are sending my creative builder mind reeling. …

: Just for fun, ran the dialogue from the trailer for “Echo” into Subtxt Muse, and it …

: Easily the most violent “You and I” sequencing yet! 😅 👉 Echo trailer. Always looking to …

: In anticipation of what I assume will be a whirlwind of a day on Monday, I’m tuning up Subtxt …

: I guess I just don’t understand why, when there are so many great French and German actors, that you …

: Bluesky is so virulently anti-AI that I can’t completely detach from Twitter. So frustrating to see …

: I don’t use LangChain, preferring to roll my own architecture instead. But these new templates are …

: Sam Altman on AI: The fundamental thing about these models is not that they memorize a lot of data. …

: Not Chandler!!!!!!!! 😢

: The new iOS app for Chat is so nice. So inspirational!

: The misguided AI storytelling tweets are coming back (after about a week or so off), which always …

: Man, this gives so me so many crazy ideas. 🤓

: Basically just waiting for Nov. 6 to get my new AI marching orders. 🫡

: Next quotable quote: “AI with people will replace people without AI. 🤗”

: “Adapt or face extinction.” Yep. This, from Marily Nika, currently speaking on AI in …

: When your own invention roasts you better than any median human could. 😂

: Oh, that’s right. New Blink. 🎸🥁

: Maven reviewed my cohort and made suggestions. Followed most of them (all of them), and the new …

: That point when you’re so excited about your work you have no time to blog or create content.

: Nothing quite like a live demo to set you straight and give you a clear direction as to where to …

: After the big demo to a live audience on Friday night, I had a ton of direction for Subtxt. It also …

: Mornings now are so much more peaceful. I used to think the photo icon for Bluesky was so cheesy, …

: New Welcome page for Subtxt users. Can’t wait to roll it out tomorrow. 🤗

: This is crazy. (Full disclosure: i’ve never cleaned it 😊)

: Finally read the NYMag hit-piece on Altman and OpenAI. Hoo boy. A lot of misconceptions here on AI …

: How is this even possible?!

: The sun is going out!! ☀️🌑

: Whew,😅 Subtxt first live demo in the bag. SO MUCH FUN demoing what I’ve been working on these past …

: Off to give a live presentation of Subtxt. 😃

: Oh, you know. Just having a discussion with AI about how best to prepare my pour-over coffee.

: Whew, what a day! 😅 Teaching in the morning, smashing bugs in the afternoon, and penning a brand new …

: Happy to see Bluesky start to come to life in the last couple of days.

: Well. Here we go.

: I usually can’t stand this guy, but DHH sure gives good conference.

: So, even though I’m entering another decade, we’re just gonna keep having these …

: 2023 problems.

: Need to watch “her” again so I can figure out what to talk about with ChatGPT-Voice. …

: So basically, in about 20 minutes, I improved the output of Muse while eliminating alot of …

: As a one-man team, I greatly appreciate ChatGPT’s ability to analyze my app’s usage and …

: The latest update to Subtxt takes storytelling AI to the next level by nailing nuanced character …

: I mean, this is just absolutely incredible. DALL-E 3 in Chat is amazing!! (#4 perfectly captures my …

: I nominate “orders of magnitude” for the most overused phrase of 2023.

: First fine-tuning using OpenAI’s new API turned out way better than I had expected. Response …

: Checking out the opening commencements of the first-ever AI-Engineers Summit conference. A welcome …

: Saw Past Lives over the weekend. Totally get what was going on, BUT…kinda wished there was a …

: The monthly Dramatic Users Group analysis is on for tomorrow night, Tuesday Oct. 10 @ 7pm Pacific. …

: Finally getting a chance to take this whole ai-generated storytelling thing to the next …

: With doom-scrolling a thing of the past, I’m finding more time to read blogs. As a result, …

: Early last week I told my wife that I was finally quitting Twitter/X cold-turkey, that I no longer …

: Found yet another AI writing app built on push-button storytelling on YouTube last night. Great …

: On a great roll with publishing pretty much every day on Narrative First. Feels like old times, just …

: Elon sure makes it easy to walk away from 14 years of Twitter. I jumped off early in August, but …

: The robot apocalypse is upon us! This is what the movie The Creator is warning us all about: using …

: New double-tap on the iOS watch is fun! 😁 Message comes in, double-tap hands-free to open up …

: This past weekend I took a chance on The Blackening. While funny (the trailer spoils most of the …

: Welcome to developing an app with OpenAI’s API, where you never ever get any rest! 😅 …

: Over the weekend, Muse passed 100,000 questions answered. That means since Jan. 27, Muse has been …

: I can highly recommend Zimmer’s latest soundtrack for The Creator (had no idea he did the …

: Just dropped a fresh analysis on Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk. Ever wonder how three separate …

: OK. It’s time to just release GPT-4V. I’ve seen enough to know I’m ready for it.

: So thankful for this feature on my Sonos system. I can finally fix the lip sync issues in Across the …

: I received a few last-minute requests to join tomorrow’s cohort—the last of the year. I’ve …

: Wrapping up this week with a short little blog post on Narrative First about the difference between …

: AI will end the careers of those writers who believe that AI will end their careers.

: While missing an invite to OpenAI’s DevDay was initially disheartening, a glance at the schedule …

: AI enthusiast champions new algorithms to obliterate the in-betweening process: Animation lovers, …

: Man, what a bummer. Just got my reject notice for OpenAI’s DevDay. Was so looking forward to …

: The final Build a Better Story cohort of 2023 kicks off next Tuesday. Still a few seats left for …

: After this week, I think I’m up to 50x.

: Just rolled out Inline Editing of Questions within Muse, and couldn’t be more excited. I know, …

: Another week, another Arxiv paper where ML researchers attempt to write stories with …

: I’m really really OK with this. 🤗 Love how it gives a bit of context, yet doesn’t just …

: Taken me all of ten months to finally figure out what direction to go in with all these AI upgrades. …

: Matt Wolfe is great, and his latest on AI hype: copyright and authors suing is wonderfully on point. …

: After a 5-month WGA strike and a tentative agreement finally reached, today’s blog post on the …

: Can we all just agree that Sky is supposed to be Scarlett Johanssen and Breeze is supposed to be Tom …

: What a W for optimism today: the WGA strike and AIs that can speak, see, and hear. No idea how you …

: Paralyzed with excitement now that the film “her” is reality.

: So, NeMO Guardrails is essentially OpenAI’s Function calls but semantically-aware of the …

: That Follower/Following ratio is probably a good lesson for everyone looking to change the world.

: Shifting from a traditional corporate role to forge your own path as a solopreneur disrupts the …

: Isn’t it obvious that the Action button goes straight to ChatGPT?!

: LOVE the weight and feel of the natural titanium. 😊

: The new OpenAI Cookbook is SO nice, and so badly needed. The previous was a nightmare to navigate …

: When Technology Can Write, Will Storytelling Suffer? Hey folks, Jim Hull here, and let’s talk about something that caught my eye this week—the …

: The first episode of One Piece has more story than this entire season of Ashoka. 😄

: OpenAI sneak previews DALL-E 3 which looks fantastic (closer to Midjourney at least), BUT without an …

: First time working with Data Analysis within ChatGPT. 😳 Looking over the past two years of students …

: Super cool. Some API requests to OpenAI failed, and for some reason my response consisted of Python …

: Kicking off The World of Narrative Course this week in the Narrative First School. Ready to decode …

: Alot to keep up with today: new interactive widgets across all my productivity apps (Things, …

: Fingers crossed!

: Another year, another new iPhone. 😊 Grateful once again.

: Once a year I have to get up at 4:30 in the morning. Cmon Apple. I do the same thing every year. …

: Just finished the TENTH Cohort of the Build a Better Story class. 😅 Really love teaching this …

: Published a walkthrough of how to interact with Subtxt Muse to help you “storyform” your …

: Just learned about Embedded Growth Obligations (ego), which gives me permission to slow the heck …

: Going to get back in the habit of recording more YouTube videos teaching How Stories Work while also …

: We’ll be taking a look at del Toro’s Pinnochio tomorrow night at the monthly Dramatica …

: Best part about being home.

: Paso paradise.

: Just read this on Twitter/X and it makes perfect sense. That once it starts hallucinating and making …

: Just published a new page in the Guide about going the extra distance when using AI to develop a …

: Guess I know what I’m doing in November 👉First ever OpenAI DevDay 🤓

: First student just applied for October’s cohort and I haven’t even started marketing it …

: My current go-to prompt for anything tldr related: “write me a pithy subheader (7-8 words, …

: GPT-4, not sure how I would do it without you. User writes in and is confused about pricing tiers. I …

: Erik Grönwall is my latest and greatest discovery. Perfect soundtrack for coding and writing.

: Predicting the Story of The Creator In a first-ever event for the Subtxt and Dramatica theroy, the complete Storyform for a film that …

: Added the Storyform for Vengeance into Subtxt: Vengeance

: My eyes are very thankful that I finally switched PHPStorm over to Drasner’s Night Owl theme …

: Finally realized this week that users would much rather know exactly what is going on …

: The Art of Crafting Stories in an AI-Driven World. Turns out the answer is being able to ask the …

: Being a solo-preneur can be quite lonely sometimes. That’s why I’m much appreciative of …

: Recorded a much-needed 15 min. walkthrough of Subtxt for new users. Until the AI can walk you …

: Working within the emergent properties of machine learning and large-language models, I’m …

: Need that Earthquake alert about 10 seconds earlier. I was already under the dining room table!

: Watched Twister tonight, so I’m all ready for tomorrow. “Finger of God!”

: Man, I love being able to work with seriously talented storytellers. Especially on Saturdays! 😃

: There’s probably nothing cooler than a native-speaking Parisian using GPT’s innate …

: Pretty sure I just unlocked an unplanned, but potentially amazing, feature of Muse: Cinema-therapy. …

: Published a blog post about using Subtxt Muse to help develop a story, by leaning on the narrative …

: It will never not blow me away that this is even possible. I will be Function Calling everything in …

: Watching the sun rise and the changing colors of the boulders in Joshua Tree National Park yesterday …

: Why can’t I stop watch and re-watching the Nueva York Train Chase from Spider-verse? …

: Pleased to announce this latest feature for Subtxt: Muse Personas. Guide and instruct Muse to be the …

: The recording from last night’s Dramatica Users Group analysis of Mary Poppins is now up in …

: Found this while cleaning up Narrative First. Calvin & Hobbes has always been an immense …

: New cohort underway! 🚢 Great group of writers and even some non-storytellers in the mix. I was happy …

: Feeling good about this one today: got all 19 episodes of “The Page Master Course” - my …

: In Subtxt, we call this kind of narrative “Timespace”, in that the organizing principle …

: Finally finished Life’s Work by David Milch 📚. So crazy to read how everything unraveled for …

: Just rolled out virtual Personas for Muse. Choose from which virtual “personality” you …

: Added BlackBerry into the list as well. Really fun film. And well told.

: Always loved this movie. Found some time today to add it into Subtxt.

: Loved Blackberry. Of course, can’t waste the opportunity to upload its narrative structure …

: Added Calendar Events to the new Narrative First School. Love that there is a one-stop shop now for …

: Join Dramatica co-creator Chris Huntley as we dive into the narrative structure of Disney’s …

: Incredibly, Subtxt has been featured in the New York Times! To say I’m honored is an …

: Currently reading: Life’s Work by David Milch 📚(and adding Epilogue to my home screen 😊)

: David Mitch on “writing” Deadwood: All storytelling is collaborative in one way or another. Nobody …

: Unbelievable. From nothing to full-blown web app integrated with my decades old blog in just 5 days! …

: I did NOT know Paul Reubens went to CalArts! 🎬🚌 I always sort of felt like Pee-wee Herman was …

: Somebody just told me that the new slogan for Twitter is “Blaze your glory.” I mean, if …

: It is ridiculous how quickly I’ve been able to build a new web application using Laravel …

: Finally saw Drive My Car last night as it’s been my wish list for awhile. Completely sublime …

: Added Split Conversations into Muse just now, and not sure why I didn’t think of this earlier. …

: This comic on designing conversations has me thinking about ways to vastly improve the experience of …

: Really wish I could have done a better job of explaining to my kids this reality of life, that life …

: Of course, the moment I finally break free from the dumpster fire that is Twitter/X someone with a …

: The problem with developing with an AI assistant (GPT-4 for me) is that now, I can do so much in one …

: New year starts today!

: Why I won’t be joining Threads: “For You is the default experience when you open the Threads …

: Really can’t believe that I just deleted Twitter off my phone. It was so helpful getting my message …

: Barbie totally reminded me of Phantom Menace opening night—except that the positive vibes and …

: Watching the final sequence of National Lampoon’s Vacation last night, I was amazed at how …

: AI chatbot I created helps write the best bio ever for me. 😊

: Writing with Muse tonight. Inspired by “The Menu” again, I start building my story off of that—only …

: Trolling the AI Tech World One of the fun things about Subtxt and Dramatica is being able to recognize story in a way that kind …

: With today’s release of NativePHP, the desktop version of Subtxt is on it’s way. 😃

: Guess I’m making the switch to the TALL stack. 🚀 Today’s presentation on v3 of Livewire …

: When the massively-intelligent narrative chatbot you built knows the inside joke about you…(a …

: Building Hollywood's Version of ChatGPT Wired covers Subtxt–without knowing about Subtxt: First, generative AI will eventually be a …

: So, I guess with Laravel Folio and Laravel Volt I can just drop Nuxt completely then…🤔

: Six years ago this week I stumbled across Laravel in my quest to learning what would be the best way …

: Ben Orenstein’s talk on Developer-turned-Founder was great. The usual list of mistakes, but …

: “Push-button storytelling” is compelling for those who have never really written a …

: I can definitely recommend Other People’s Children—both from personal experience, and from just a …

: Interested in how stories work? Just recorded a quick video on how you can use Subtxt Muse (the …

: Rite of passage unlocked: finally got to see a child (step-daughter) rolling up in the …

: The best part about today’s final cohort class? Students were able to accurately predict the …

: Day one of my Twitter detox. Colors seem more vibrant. 🌈 Life more expansive. Trying to remember how …

: Dumping Twitter and moving back to RSS and of course, this album pops up on Spotify for me. 😄 Toad …

: Hooking up Muse to 30 years of narrative study was really fun last week. So much so, I recorded a …

: While others are focused on unraveling the mysteries of existence 🙄, we’re over here changing …

: Phenomenal use of Panning in Midjourney. It’s like getting a chance to revisit a world that simply …

: This is super cool. Assisted an indie film client with Subtxt to create a treatment in 2 hrs.😅 Used …

: Discovering Intentional Storytelling After six months of coding with GPT-4 by my side, I can confidently say that I’ve entered a …

: Wait. So you’re telling me the entire Star Wars Radio Drama from the 70s, the same one I …

: Interesting. For all this talk about fixing “hallucinations” when dealing LLMs …

: “Save the Cat” without a Storyform is meaningless. “Save the Cat” WITH a …

: Recorded a brand new introductory video to Subtxt. I kinda like how the totally random story idea …

: “Steerable” is right. This is insane. Subtxt is based on some complex narrative theory …

: ok - there is a HUGE difference in the latest models. I’m telling you, if you just talk your …

: Oh my, the improved responses with today’s API rollout from OpenAI is incredible. Even for the …

: Best part about consistently blogging and writing articles on narrative structure and theory for the …

: New term learned today: de-generative AI: when responses returned are meaningless and ultimately …

: Absolutely loving the new iAPresenter. 😍

: Whoever did the Snoopy animations in watchOS 10: Bravo! 👏 Really charming companion to have all day.

: I just checked, and unless Nolan is using a pseudonym he’s not a subscriber to Subtxt. Still, this …

: Genuinely having a conversation with AI-chatbot I created based on my decades of researching …

: First class of the Summer cohort finished! GREAT energy, always so much more excitement and …

: BIG fan of the giant email previews that pop up in Standby Mode with iOS17. Super cool!

: This is going to be the longest eight months of my life! #WWDC23

: This is a lot of math first thing in the morning. #WWDC23

: There is nothing cooler than walking away from your friends in the middle of a field to start your …

: I generally abandoned chain-of-thought for writing stories as the results were meaningless (bad …

: Japan goes all in on AI, no copyright enforcement on data-training. They see it as a way to gain …

: Bug Fixes and Black Holes App developer’s conundrum: when fixing bugs, I often just throw in some random story ideas off …

: AI-Driven Efficiency: The Magic of Transmuting Support Queries into Blogs for a Solopreneur As a solopreneur, the addition of AI to my work has unlocked massive productivity for me. …

: Walking around my house, screaming at the top of my lungs: “I’m the eldest boy!!” whenever I want …

: Blood and Gold on Netflix: super-light on story, super-fun with the spaghetti-Western nostalgia.

: My twins are graduating high school today. That went fast.

: Live Activities?!! What is this greatness? I’ll actually remember to stop timers now. 😄

: Published a brand new article on analyzing the film “Close” with Muse, the AI digital …

: Just learned about a Klein Bottle and now I can’t stop thinking about how this relates to narrative …

: The joy that resides in my heart closing all the AWS: Lambda Layers tabs from last week, never …

: Wonderful meeting with a French writer this morning who is LOVING the fact that Muse automatically …

: Just had a full on narrative analysis conversation with Muse, the AI story development bot I …

: Cannot tell you how rewarding it is to finally get sparse-dense embeddings working in Subtxt now. 💪😎 …

: Brilliant interview w/ WA. Best part is here 👉 Interview snippet. If you were ever curious as to how …

: work buddy.

: Every day is something new when it comes to building an AI app. Now I have customers sending me …

: People I’ve been working with for almost a decade are finally getting the concepts because of …

: Super cool! 😎 Maven makes it easy now to add your own “lead magnet” for your cohort …

: A little bit of narrative theory goes a long way, especially when you have a fine-tuned super …

: Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mothers out there. No idea how I lucked out so much with …

: Aha! I think I found what I was looking for to host some sparse embedding goodness. @streamlit looks …

: Growing up in the 80s, I automatically assumed HuggingFace was about “Aliens.” …

: Watching Stand By Me, and it’s still crazy to me that this is even possible, let alone that I built …

: Shane Hawkins drumming on My Hero. 🥲…

: I used to draw Mickey Mouse for a living. 😆

: Had a thought while running – knowing intimately now how AI works (at least, GPT type stuff), …

: Alright, time to get at that sparse/dense index for Subtxt and all that narrative theory! 💪

: Can’t stop screenshot-ing Arc and everything that pops up. Beautiful! 🥰 And that opening …

: Access to Arc! 🎉😃

: It’s so crazy how story works in our minds. A year ago, I put Booksmart into Subtxt with a …

: AI conundrum: I love all the advances. I despise the transitional phrases (“However”, …

: I can think of no greater chasm right now than George R.R. Martin’s take on what it was like …

: Phenomenal trailer for Oppenheimer. Why? It’s the first indication of the complete story being …

: Easter egg in the latest episode of Barry. If it’s true that the most recent is 8 years in the …

: It’s crazy the kind of talented writers I get to work with on a weekly basis. My only hope is …

: Anybody worried about AI replacing writers: just watch “Aftersun”. As someone deeply entrenched in …

: 🤯 I just discovered that the actress who plays Nebula in the Marvel movies is Amy Pond from Dr. Who! …

: “One thing that I think we will find is that biological intelligence is incredibly limited, …

: What do you do when someone sends you a 1500 word support request? Easy! Ask GPT-4 to summarize the …

: Leaked paper on “moats” and AI and how there’s no way what you build will remain a secret, nor will …

: Met with a former student yesterday who used to teach game theory at MIT and has ideas on how I …

: I have returned to Southern California. Where are all the trees? (P.S. I miss Northern California 🌲)

: First time here. 😳

: After an hour of reading Jack’s thoughts on the Twitter sale, it’s clear to me that the skies are …

: Twitter brought me back here.

: Idris Elba and Beasts of No Nation is the cure for ho-hum storytelling.

: I knew it was going to be a hot one today. 😅

: Working on a television series that isn’t spec is so much better than working on a series that is …

: When I was an animator at Dreamworks & I was starting to build what is now Narrative …

: I LOVED Luca, but the phrase “bean shaped mouth in a pear shaped head” to describe every …

: When your side hustle turned business nets you 3x more than a major studio with mouseears used to …

: Words cannot express how grateful I am for everyone of my subscribers to Subtext who helped analyze …

: I really miss my writing/animating buddy. 😢 James Horner Rocketeer Re-master

: My first documentation success story. While I was sleeping somebody needed help abd they were able …

: As annoying as Wish Dragon was as a complete copy of Aladdin…it actually turned out to be …

: Forrest Gump finally up in Subtext. Always thought this one was a bit off (Jenny’s Resolve …

: This one is starred and saved for periodic reading, Why we prioritize support over sales in our SaaS …

: I wonder how many storytellers know that the flow of the space-time continuum in their stories …

: That subtextual analysis of Swingers, written back in 2019 and updated for the new story engine in …

: Easily the most important choice you’ll make when writing a story. Setting the Four Throughlines.

: Bingo! Back in business on Monterey, looking dark and moody for the rest of the summer. 🌞🕶

: Subtext is looking good in Monterey’s Safari (love the top theme bar 🤩)

: Ending today with news that a musical I helped develop (in the story department) is being …

: Here’s the analysis of searching, which you haven’t seen I would highly …

: And, of course, there’s my life story in Jon Favreau’s Swingers which I finally added to …

: With the narrative engine complete, I’m going back through and publishing my backlog of …

: Today’s class on Episodes 7 and 8 of the first season of Succession went GREAT! If predictions …

: When a client writes to you to say they pitched the idea you helped them with and the production …

: Jupiter in Spatial Audio while reading Tchaikovsky’s Children of Ruin. 🥰

: Don’t mind me. I’ll be re-installing everything after switching to Monterey a bit too …

: My house is hilarious. 90’s West Coast rap downstairs. East Coast upstairs. (Obviously my …

: Want to know both the potential for conflict AND the cyclical progressions of growth for your story? …

: Introducing Scene Resolution in Subtext. Convert a single sentence premise into structure for every …

: Avoiding the False Victory–in which I draw an analogy between Save the Cat’s …

: A quick little something about Promising Young Woman for those confused by the praise it received.

: Want to see how easy it is to build a meaningful story with the click of a button? I’m …

: Made subtle yet important changes to Tenet in Subtext after last night’s Dramatica community …

: What it is it called when you work with brilliant filmmakers from around the world? Oh yeah. Dream …

: My kind of Saturday Night Live

: All matters of conflict in a narrative come down to this: being chased by a bear is not a problem. …

: When a client returns with a draft of their story that’s so compelling you can’t wait to …

: New Rock Sugar album! ReInventinator - pure 80s heaven!

: Episode Two of Season One of Succession is even better! Really interesting how the same narrative …

: Absolutely in love with the Premise Subtext came up with for the first episode of HBO’s …

: Turns out I was able to predict the Narrative Personality of Tenet just by watching the trailer. …

: Can’t stay up any longer. Guess I’ll be asleep when powered flight takes place on …

: Devastated. The Dome was my temple.

: So excited. Just led what was easily one of the best classes ever. I now have recorded a clear …

: New Endel Deeper Focus soundscapes are intense! Like living within a Hans Zimmer soundscape. I …

: The Father brings the total number of unique narrative structures in Subtext to 483.

: Definitely getting closer with this one…awareness distorting issues of destiny (the promise of a …

: Need to work on this one a bit. Not sure if Cassie ends up “staying present, and improving …

: The narrative Premise for The Father as seen in Subtext. The “no sense of the present” …

: The Father is adapted from a play and the reason it feels like a play is not simply setting and …

: Wow two nights in a row. I thought 2021 was going to be a snooze fest at the Oscars but Nomadland …

: Promising Young Woman was great. Started plugging the narrative into Subtext and guess what turned …

: Just going through Shawshank and seeing how the narrative structure predicted by Subtext plays …

: With Star Wars, there are 4 sources of conflict explored: searching for the plans (Doing), …

: Last week I unraveled a way to predict the order of thematic events in a story through a single …

: Last week I unraveled a way to predict the order of thematic events in a story through a single …

: Working on the new Storybeat Cards based on all the discoveries and new developments from last week. …

: When using your predictive narrative application to show exactly why The Shawshank Redemption is a …

: Because even something as ridiculous as Bad Trip can be written with a halfway-decent story. 😆 …

: Judging by the responses in my inbox this morning, Subtext’s new Scene Resolution feature is …

: Well hello, Grammarly. It’s been a couple months. Now that I’ve got Subtext figured …

: A writer/editor/user of Subtext sent me versions of Memento and The Prestige re-ordered to show the …

: Pretty much Neo’s final speech on the phone.

: Seriously?! And this is what Subtext predicts Ben should be talking about on the trip to Alderaan - …

: Just going to leave this here…as this is what Subtext predicts George should be doing in the latter …

: When you solve a computational problem that has plagued your mind for over 22 years, there can be no …

: When you have to use Bad Trip as an example of clear storyforming to a writer … 🤣

: I was wrong, Nomadland was not best movie of the year. Bad Trip was. 🤣

: It’s crazy how much impact a single = sign can have on an entire application. ☹️

: Second app is officially profitable. 🎉 😃 I could really get into this—what am I going to build …

: Who would’ve thought that breadth-first order and depth-first order would have anything to do …

: My first son is 22 today. The cliche is totally real, it goes by way too fast. And for those …

: Sometimes it takes five years to sell an original idea and have it turned into a movie 😊

: This week’s Building Subtext is out: Refinements to the Premise Builder. Small changes that …

: The world is huge. I am small The universe is infinite. My time is short. 🧘🏻‍♂️

: So cool building an app with someone else (my first after Subtext! 😃) Much easier the second time …

: Seems like a lot of writers are eager to start new projects this week. No better place to start than …

: The view from your writing desk when you don’t use Subtext.

: Just had my first support request where I could point them to my brand new feature that saves a ton …

: Oh man! And looking over the Plot Progression, just making that switch from a Changed Resolve to a …

: When asked about why it was so good (from a narrative structure standpoint), the fact that she …

: Made a slight tweak to the Storyform for Nomadland in Subtext. I had originally encoded Fern with a …

: Narrative First is now Narrative First, Inc. 😊

: Nub nub. E chug yub nub. Ko nee kopechkee ganut ga fling hoo haaaaaa

: For some reason, it’s a Return of the Jedi soundtrack night.

: Not saying you could end up with the same result, but Nomadland’s narrative structure is as …

: Not saying you could end up with the same result, but a meaningful narrative structure is as good a …

: Even something as simple and as understated as Nomadland works through a complete narrative …

: Wow, Nomadland.

: I’ve received more emails of congratulations and appreciation after today’s release than …

: Witness the power of this fully armed and operational battle station!… …

: Best soundtrack for rolling out a major release or submitting a project you poured your soul into.

: And just like that, it is done. The Premise Builder in Subtext is now live. Have at it everyone. 😊

: Well, that sounds about right. 😊

: Holy F. If you have failed jobs in the Queue, you fix it locally and push it up, Laravel will finish …

: Meeting with someone 8:30 Sat morning is perfectly OK with me if you come with a beautiful work of …

: Totally random Premise generated from Subtext after choosing Temptation as the central Character …

: “What if the characters don’t know the Story Goal until the 2nd Act?” The Goal of …

: As we repeat the 80s and 40s, storytelling shifts back to your classic “Hero’s …

: Netflix interested in a new series…it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with this bad boy, …

: Planning on rolling out the Premise Builder for Subtext this weekend. Three years in the making. If …

: This sounds like a good one, particularly given current events. And look at that–no examples …

: When I was teaching story at CalArts, one of my favorite things to do was to put together these …

: Getting closer to making the visions in my head a reality for all…

: Why write complete stories? Without the friendship between Red and Andy (the Relationship Story …

: Great stories never die! (Or should I say COMPLETE stories never die). Something I wrote seven years …

: This week’s episode of Building Subtext is all about An Objective Look at Story Structure. If …

: It’s really clear: if you’re not going to write a complete story, and leave the Main …

: So Mean Girls and Whiplash have the same exact structure EXCEPT for one key element. The former is …

: So Mean Girls and Whiplash have the same exact structure EXCEPT for one key element. The former is …

: When writers ask you for detailed structural breakdown of a Diff’rent Strokes episode you know …

: So I guess today is Daylight Savings.

: This indie Batman half-hour was great. Super angry Batman!

: My favorite button in all of Subtext. 🤓

: The list grows larger … 😊

: Just finished the latest Writers Room - interesting to compare Do The Right Thing against Zootopia - …

: Having @tailwindcss notify of me new components feels like I’ve hired really great designers …

: John Dusenberry, Head of Story Development for a feature at Warner Bros. animation, will be …

: Kids can’t stream Peter Pan.

: You know I’ve got a problem when I stay up late to learn more about branchless programming!

: The fastest I’ve been able to get a storyform up after a Dramatica Users Group meeting…in …

: Alright Kaufman. I finally got you into Subtext. Even the craziest of intentions has some sort of …

: 🤣 When even your complex algorithmic method for finding narrative structure can’t make heads …

: My latest “vlog” on Building Subtext, this one about Developing the Four Throughlines. …

: More balance from The Princess Bride. The novel sits across from the Grandson. The heartfelt …

: This makes me inordinately happy to see. The Princess Bride on Subtext - all nicely balanced and …

: When you plug in judgment as the Grandson’s Problem (Evaluation in Dramatica) the narrative …

: Re-visited The Princess Bride this weekend as I double-check narratives with Be-er Main Characters. …

: I never realized this, but listening to the soundtrack for Ex Machina in the background - the last …

: What you want to say->story structure. Intent sets order.

: Subtext’s Premise Builder is pretty much feature complete now. 3+ years in the making. I feel …

: Looking back over old code, it almost breaks my heart to have remove the pieces I don’t need …

: When a single typo unravels the entire universe 🤣 When you’re using ‘mindset’ as a …

: Actual quote from actual writer: “[The InstantScenes do] help, because they turn the cryptic …

: Watching Tribes of Europa, this certainly isn’t your mother’s Hunger Games! 😂 On a side …

: Many conflate subject matter for structure (see previous tarot tweet). In a mind that sees the world …

: Someone once told me they thought Subtext/Dramatica sounded like tarot cards for writers. If by …

: Assuming Wandavision doesn’t take an immense left turn tonight, I’ll be publishing the …

: To be clear, when you choose “being irrational” for Character and “securing a …

: When you figure out something you’ve been working on for 22 years, Welcome to the Black Parade …

: Oh man, I just found out my very first client landed at the top of a very important industry list in …

: The writing/re-writing wheel still exists with Subtext. If you got the structure 100% right from the …

: Subtext tip: Different characters carry out the same Storybeat or Storypoint in the same Concern. …

: A virtual recital.

: Watching my brother’s world premiere of his Seven Family Miniatures — original compositions …

: I may or may not have just unlocked the mysteries of the universe (or, at the very least, …

: Best part about building Subtext? User requests ability to copy InstantScenes to clipboard. …

: Crazy watching old classes in Subtext where I talk about crowd-sourcing narratives (which it does …

: Somewhere in story structure land someone once pointed out that scenes “turn”, and that …

: As much as I lamented Wandavision and its “nothing” episodes, the season as a whole …

: For all those about to start writing something great in 2021, I offer the next installment in my …

: Watching VueJS Amsterdam conference during a late night session. Nitro for Nuxt looks incredible…and …

: The American dream, or should I say—”the rise of the brown man”—as portrayed in White …

: Last week I went over some pretty heady stuff when building a complete story from a Premise. You …

: The best part about White Tiger is that there was an actual relationship in addition to concerns …

: Writing a new story this year but not sure where to start? See if you can identify the type of Goal …

: Plugging in White Tiger’s story dynamics into Subtext, we get 1 match: Captain America: Civil …

: Yoga is deceptively difficult. Also. Wish I had started twenty years ago.

: Ok. White Tiger was Grrrreat!! It’s been so long since I’ve seen a complete story. So …

: Just finished recording another video about Building Subtext. Ended up coming up with a funny idea …

: Well, it’s settled. Subtext will be used to help design the narrative of a feature film to be …

: Excited about this added feature to InstantScenes - a toggle to switch between structuring a scene, …

: First studio-consult of the year this afternoon. Looking forward to seeing what a big-time animation …

: Spring has sprung 🌞🌺

: As I begin to develop a “beginners” section for Subtext, one area continues to baffle …

: I’ve decided to pull Setting #3 from Subtext below it’s a high level concept …

: Although, it just occurred to me that this is just for Holistic-minded stories, not Linear. Logan …

: In today’s Writers Room, I’ll be going over the intersection of Character and Plot. …

: After spending 20 years commuting up and down the 5 to Disney and Dreamworks, I much prefer my 2021 …

: Giving HelpScout a go after taking a break from the craziness that is Intercom (way too much for …

: There is nothing better than simply jumping on a 30-min. Zoom call to explain Subtext to …

: First thing I see every morning is a list of user-generated Illustrations for Subtext—human-friendly …

: I Care A Lot on Netflix…fun thriller, but again am I just projecting my own disassociation or …

: Re-writing this weeks article for Narrative First, I’m reminded of how awesome this movie is. …

: Now that I figured out a magical way to turn a Premise into a complete outline, I need to go back …

: Predicting Narrative Sequences from Theme This is the craziest thing in the world. Just ran The Social Network through my new narrative model …

: Landing on Mars autonomously is one thing, but can JPL maintain the integrity of a narrative …

: The first-ever video footage of a landing a rover (Perseverance) on Mars. Absolutely incredible …

: In preparation for the Free portion of Subtext coming soon, I resubmit an article I wrote over a …

: I’m working in a level of “non” perfectionism into Subtext as a means of supporting writers given to …

: Recorded another video for Building Subtext. This ones all about how Subtext helps you focus on the …

: I have so much fun making and editing these Building Subtext videos that I decided to create a …

: Doesn’t matter if it’s a half-hour episode, a giant epic novel, or your basic 2-hour …

: Wandavision did it! An ENTIRE episode where absolutely nothing happened. Amazing feat of engineering …

: Currently running Lord of the Rings through Subtext. The following “arc” for Frodo was …

: My daughter sent this to me - crazy good animation of Richard Williams visiting Milt Kahl’s …

: Cleaned up Subtext in anticipation of big changes coming. Love being able to show the Narrative …

: Touchdown!! 👽

: A primer on Cryptoart and NFTs, if you’re like me and woke up this morning not having a clue …

: It should probably not come as much of a surprise to anyone who has been following my work that …

: Pretty happy with the new Storypoint cards in Subtext. Had to do this now that creating a story …

: Unbelievably crazy good news about Subtext and AI just happened about an hour ago 😃 I CANNOT WAIT to …

: Interested in thinking more deeply about your story? Conflict Corner, our weekly class on practical …

: Never thought I’d ever be so happy to receive new glasses in the mail @WarbyParker I can see …

: Every time I drop into #screenwriting, I’m inevitably disappointed by the reaction. Writers, …

: Successfully installed the new version of Laravel Spark into Subtext. Been waiting for this for …

: The Crucial Element to Telling a Great Story spells it all out. Without that higher purpose, writing …

: The purpose of a Main Character is to give the Audience a sense of what the universal conflict feels …

: The acting in Judas and the Black Messiah was great, but the story? Ehh… there’s this …

: My new video series on Building Subtext in Public is starting here on my YouTube channel. Follow …

: Last week’s Writers Room is now avail for replay. I go over a really quick way to find the …

: Just a periodic reminder that the greatest thing you can do for your mental health well-being is to …

: Just used this post from Raycast (cool app) to help co-ordinate some of my distributed work this …

: Part Four of John’s practical workshop in Dramatica theory is now available for replay. …

: Just watched the 30-min on-boarding for thinking I could build my own version–until …

: On my application to OpenAI’s GPT-3 integration: Subtext is an app that generates meaningful …

: Connecting AI to Meaningful Storytelling And this is freaky scary… I just plugged in …

: Spoke too soon. This is a bit depressing: Whether you’re building your plot from scratch or …

: Well, this pretty much sums up my whole product, and all I had to do was click a button: The …

: Seeing all the great feedback from I am FORCING myself not to start adding GPT-3 to Subtext. …

: I really hope Wandavision doesn’t represent the future of television, where you have to wait …

: The great thing about coding your own narrative theory is it forces you to reconsider initial …

: After slaving over the intricacies of narrative theory for my re-write this week, it’s time to …

: Narrative First will soon be Narrative First, Inc. 😃

: Finally finished re-writing Steadfast Holistic Main Characters.Moulin Rouge!, Juno, and A Bronx Tale …

: First thing I do every morning is approve user-submitted Illustrations of story structure in …

: Even with so much content avail now, it’s challenging to find something good. The stories just …

: A film will never be a 100% perfect Storyform & there will never be a Storyform that matches a …

: When choosing a Goal for your story, it’s never the goal of the characters, but rather the Goal of …

: The new Laravel Spark looks great. Had to hand-roll my own last year and I’ve never been …

: In today’s Writers Room, I’ll go over these improvements & what it means for your …

: “Ignoring the reality around you keeps you present, but distorts the way you commit to …

: “Being in harmony with curiosity keeps you in the present moment, allowing you to address the …

: Making a few changes today in the way Subtext presents a Premise for certain stories. Instead of …

: Time to step away and hopefully find something great to watch. If you’re interested in …

: Conflict Corner went great today, and I think I might have even picked up a few pointers here and …

: The geniuses at Narrative First are up to it again today in Conflict Corner–the weekly class …

: The Storyform for The Vast of Night is now up in Subtext. Really liked how the Element of …

: Got huge Speculation vibes while watching Vast of Night, meaning all conflict centered around this …

: Surprised to find out that The Vast of Night had a reasonably discernible Storyform. It’s not the …

: Ford v Ferrari splits the difference as well, but the tragic circumstances of the narrative make …

: Elf mixes it up with a more “joyous” personality by splitting external and internal between …

: Moulin Rouge! flips it, with MC & Plot now internal (Subconscious/Becoming) and IC & Rel.s …

: Matrix is a typical personality with both Main Character and Plot dealing with external issues …

: Finished cleaning up initial round of Holistic Storyforms. Key to it all is the visualization of …

: Thinking of renaming Thematic Conversations to Thematic Movements. A lyrical ring to it 🎶 The former …

: The switch to Altruism over Morality makes so much more sense when it comes to films like The …

: Look up the definition of Morality on Google and you get “principles concerning the distinction …

: Here’s the same sequence found in The Sixth Sense, only now in Cole (the Influence Character)-a …

: Choose Disbelief & Altruism (character & plot) in Subtext and the app predicts an eerily …

: Going to be validating the idea of Thematic Conversations over the next couple of weeks. Initial …

: This is so crazy. If you plug into Subtext “being open-minded” for Character and …

: Well, this is fun.

: I’m beginning to think Travis Barker is the reason Blink-182 was so good. There isn’t one bad song …

: Building an app for someone instead of building an app for my story dev biz is …

: Also, after being asked if all this “gobbly-goop” was necessary when writing a story, I …

: Completed work yesterday on a 6-week project that I’m super excited about - Holistic …

: My watch now takes care of the bottom half of my face. Yay for staying warm in early morning walks. …

: Invoker sure is mighty pretty. Much nicer than TablePlus, plus ZERO config. Would have saved me …

: To Jon Favreau and Dave Filloni, thank you so very much. The season finale of The Mandalorian was a …

: My life is complete - Descript, the ultimate screencast/podcast/recording thingee - is now availble …

: How many times can I watch the opening prologue to Tenet before Tuesday????!

: Cloning repositories and cleaning up code on a morning walk, as you do.

: Geez…Disney…😲

: Cold, windy, overcast, and quarantined. It’s a Beethoven piano sonata day.

: Creating A Digital Experience Platform Tim describes a “Digital Experience Platform” in his video on modern website components. …

: Spending the night catching up on tutorials while doing a ton of busy work (mindless data entry). I …

: This Moment from the Waking Up app basically explains ALL you need to know about story structure and …

: The Mandalorian does it again!! 40-year dream come to life. 😀 THANK YOU!

: Really happy with how things are turning out writing and re-writing The Manual for Subtext. Went …

: Switching colors in Linear to match my app’s brand colors makes it all that much more real. 😊

: My favorite Dr. Seuss book growing up was Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? Sa taps in on the …

: Somebody thought this would be really funny to put on my desk.

: Dune and Matrix 4 same day release on HBOMax as in theaters? Bye bye Arclight…(“When i was a kid I …

: The idea that I could build an interface—even if just for myself—so I could avoid my bank’s …

: On Elf: am I the only one who thinks all of James Caan’s scenes were shot in a totally different …

: Aaron Sorkin is incredible. Trial of the Chicago 7…great writing from beginning to end.

: The best thing about 2020 is being able to skip past the B-52s when listening to the Top 100 on 80s …

: Can’t wait for Black Friday/Cyber Monday desperation to end. As someone who makes a living off …

: So super excited when I finally figure something out after beating my head against the wall all day. …

: Probably super obvious to everyone but me, but removing any padding/margin from transitioning …

: In love with last night’s Mandalorian episode even more once I realized who was playing the General.

: Absolute genius. The composer behind Succession discusses his themes for the show. Inspiring to hear …

: Home office vibes courtesy of Phillips, Vari, and Apple.

: Recognizing thoughts as thoughts makes all the difference in the world. (And being able to share …

: Well that was easy. Told myself last week I wanted to start focusing on developing new apps with …

: Fridays. The days I stay off Twitter because I don’t watch The Mandalorian until late at night, and …

: Stranger Things Season Three the second time around…65in screen instead of the 27in I used to …

: Full circle. Now I’m animating transitions with VueJS using what I know about spacing and …

: New Divide utilities in Tailwind are awesome. Feel like I could spend a couple days catching up on …

: Probably one of my favorite pages from The Daily Stoic. And one of the hardest to pull off.

: My essentials. Timepage, iAWriter, Subtext, and Superhuman.

: Been using Tailwind for 2 years now, and just learned sm: is NOT for mobile devices, but SMALL …

: Crazy tease

: Today’s Conflict Corner class in Subtext was most encouraging. I think I found a way to test …

: When you spend your usual writing time searching for “remote NuxtJS jobs” because it sounds …

: Having conquered my PWA splash screen issues, I basically just open and close my app all day. Both …

: Amazingly productive day. Such a difference when you fully commit. 😃

: Figured it out. I incorrectly assumed the @2 and @3 settings in Figma were supposed to match pixel …

: Wrangling PWA support in my Nuxt app today. Not super happy with the splashscreen support in the …

: Starting to write again after two months of not writing is not easy. Feel wobbly and uncoordinated, …

: “You are identical to what is perhaps the greatest mystery in the universe.” Thanks, Sam …

: Just read the Forward to “Greenlights” by Matthew McConaughey using my best impression …

: I have great users. 😊

: Witness the power of this fully-operational, fully-optimized app (thank you Nuxt :))

: First week of work with the M1 MBA: def sticking with the Air for my mobile future. LOVE the lack of …

: Raycast now opens GitHub repos in a flash…🥰

: Ah, much better. DankMono re-installed in new VSCode.

: Highlighted is such a great app. Anytime I mark something in Kindle, I add it here as well. Nice to …

: In one of the Moments from the Waking Up app, Sam talks about sharing from want vs sharing to help. …

: Upgrading to TailwindCSS 2.0 and praying for easy DarkMode/Typography integration (so people can …

: This week marks the 3 year anniversary of my writing app Subtext. 3 ½ years ago I had no idea …

: What used to take a minute to build in Nuxt now only takes 9 seconds on an M1 MBA. I have a feeling …

: I can’t stop laughing about how much faster this M1 is 🤣 and my own app I built? Ridiculous. I …

: Really surprised at how much I can run my entire business off my iPad Pro. Previous Mac died 3 hours …

: Never underestimate the power of the Batman soundtrack during your morning run on a ridge high above …

: “It’s not the story in my head,” said everyone. Of course it isn’t, your head can switch contexts in …

: 100% sure that the @Superhuman app is responsible for a 200% improvement in reaching out to …

: Time is art. Today kicks off the 5th month of the 13 month 28 day calendar. This month is the …

: Really enjoying Moments in the @WakingUp app from Sam Harris. I have it set to 1-3 times a day, …

: This popped up on iTunes Listen Now playlist and has promptly been played 532 times in a row just …

: Just realized, yesterday marked my 3rd year of daily meditation (1095 consecutive days). Best …

: Am I the only one who claps for themselves out-loud before entering a commit?

: So amazing watching row after row created of users trying out a new feature 😃

: Perhaps one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written for film…

: I wonder what happens tomorrow with the counter. 😊 @calm


: Subscribing to Moretex is a no-brainer. First podcast I’m willing to sponsor without a second …

: Your daily does of inspiration to feel epic whilst trapped inside your house. …

: My theme song when I finally get local and prod servers to work nice in Nuxt after months and months …

: The Other Side Ryan’s words ring even clearer with Bionic Reading set: I’ve come to see this pandemic as a radical …

: 2 hours from idea to deploy, Nuxt to Netlify, and now there’s an app out in the wild that perfectly …

: Updating a 1200+ page site/app that serves thousands across the world with my phone while kicking …

: In case you wanted to know the lyrics to Star Wars:

: Am I Free? Somewhere around this time, I mark another year “working” for myself. 2020 is Year 4. I …

: Things is for Scheduling Tasks There is so much good about Sebastien de Deyne’s take on a Things 3. My favorite is something …

: The key to a great day of writing—Hans Zimmer essentials.

: Today’s cookie looks like the Millennium Falcon (original universe version 😝)

: ‪Trying out @CremaCo and now I have a coffee “playlist” 😋 ☕️ ‬

: The wider iPhone is a no-brainer. When reading, I always wish there was just slightly more room on …

: Very much looking forward to utilizing new Render functions in Vue 3. Evan does a great job of …

: 2020 theme song for the next 7 days in the U.S.

: We’re moving into a new area of narrative focus, a shift away from Learning and into Obtaining …

: Upgraded the Discuss Dramatica forums to the latest and greatest version of Discourse, still my …

: And at 5:40, here’s the soundtrack for Glory (Horner really liked Prokofiev)

: And here’s the original soundtrack for Braveheart from 1939.

: The original soundtrack for Aliens—first premiered in 1942.

: Two minutes into using @linear_app and I already know it will stick. Super slick app development and …

: The best kind of breakfast is the kind you don’t make yourself.

: After reading this review/marketing blog about Sonos’ new soundbar Arc, I’m sold. Especially since …

: Super sad to hear about Kelly Asbury passing away. He was my director on Spirit and Shrek 2. So …

: My iTunes 2019 Replay list is 90% Tony Robbins hype-music and 10% Blink 182. Totally different vibe …

: Stopping a timer in Timery is a frequent action for me, but a pain to set in motion. With the new …

: Our group analysis of the Blacklist spec script, Don’t Worry, Darling went great. It was such a …

: First pull request merged! 😊 Not at all as difficult as I thought it would be. This one a simple …

: Ok. So apparently I’ve been washing my hands for a lot longer than 20 seconds for most of my adult …

: Hand washing is probably my most favorite new app! 😃

: Spatial audio on AirPods Pro is mind-blowing.

: Livestream the solar eclipse if you’re not lucky enough to wake up in India ☀️ 🌙

: Super happy with development on the latest version of Subtext. A preview of what’s coming next. …

: C’mon man. Now earthquakes too?!

: Launch scrubbed! 😕

: Those touchscreens! 😍

: Driving to the launchpad in style!

: Participating in the LIVE JAMStack Conference, put on by Netlify. It’s out of control what …

: Spent the holiday weekend conforming 1235 pieces of content to Nuxt’s new Content module. Not having …

: Repression and The Dark Knight Rises New York Magazine TV critic Matt Zoller Steitz on an often unloved Nolan offering: At some point I …

: Having been inside for three months, this is truly spectacular (Elsmere Canyon in CA, USA).

: Love is the General. Seinfeld and Stern on what it takes to be great.

: Cleaning up Narrative First, this post from 2015 on how “great” Editorial is compared to …

: Holiday CMS Weekend Spending this Memorial Day weekend going through 14 years of Narrative First (1200+ items) and …

: I cannot wait to see this movie! Modern Trailer for Empire

: Over and over again, I am reminded of how smart it was to convert my entire ecosystem over to Nuxt. …

: The Sincere World of Vue Watching an interview with Nuxt core member Debbie O’Brien about her start and work in tech. Man, do …

: Quarantine Quote Never quite thought of Odysseus as obsessed, but in retrospect seems clear. “People try to get away …

: I woke up this morning so happy, with no idea why I woke up this morning so happy, with no idea why. Now I know why: Timothy Olyphant is playing Boba …

: My favorite writing platform, iAWriter (favorite for over ten years now) works with my personal blog …

: It is wonderfully windy out today.


: Reading The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, and I don’t think I’ve ever laughed …

: Quarantine essentials.

: And we end the night with Molossus from Mr. Zimmer…what could be better?!

: I feel like I should win some sort of prize. Just ran a new article through Grammarly and found ZERO …

: Why is Max Richter so incredibly good? Seriously, I can’t think of another composer who so …

: The Mandalorian was everything the last three Star Wars films were not: funny, light-hearted, …

: 30 years ago I spent New Year’s Eve drawing Jiminy Cricket and ended up drawing for Disney …

: Reading Story Genius is a series of highs and lows. This quote is a definite high:

: Ok, I thought raising my wrist to activate Siri was cool enough…but now I just have to say the word …

: Pretty much the reason why you need to build the change you see:

: Silencia by Hammock popped up in Apple Music for me this week. Stunningly beautiful melodies to help …

: Tee hee. 😁 couldn’t wait, and snuck out.

: The shortest day of the year.

: The Soundtracks of My Life My dad would always drive me to Tempo Records on Lyons Ave. in Newhall after a Star Wars movie. …

: JAMstacking everything in 2020. Already half way there with Narrative First. Nothing but a great …


: Life before meditation:

: Double rainbow!! Rainbow 🌈 🌈 And considering all that happened this week, I consider both of them a …

: Marvel films may not be “cinema,” but at least they know how to tell a story…💤😴 …

: I had no idea this was a thing! Click the dinosaur and now you have something to do while …

: Late Friday night when you finally realize the Antagonist that’s been staring you in the face …

: Netlify is ridiculously simple and well thought out. Adding redirects took about 2 seconds.

: If you’re like me, and you’re about halfway through writing something for National …

: This is a pretty spectacular album for writing screenplays. Seven Worlds One Planet by Zimmer & …

: My friend Bobby Rubio made an absolutely beautiful short film that is now on Disney+ called Float. …

: Haven’t heard this many sirens at once before.

: You may also like Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back… This AI is incredible!

: Really enjoying JAMStack Radio. Can’t believe it started in 2016, and I’m just now …

: Currently imagining how awesome it’s going to be to do what I love on a new MacBook Pro.

: Paddington 2 is super impressive if it was written without Dramatica. It basically follows a …

: Just tried out Overdub for Descript. Basically, you screw up a word or words in your podcast, and …

: As a former Disney animator, of course I’m streaming Steamboat Willie first.

: Continuous deployment is the greatest thing in the world. Also, branch deploys for automatic staging …

: Just ordered my Cortex Ugly Christmas Sweater. Only a couple days left to be the talk of the office!

: Trying Sizzy out, because there’s nothing I love more than new developer tools. (They’re …

: Just held the most mind-blending class in the Writers Room in Subtext. The input from the attendees …

: Nuxt JS is essentially the Laravel of Vue JS (which I get is a framework of a framework of …

: Just figured out all my story issues in the shower. I respectively submit for Apple to make the next …

: “There’s nothing on your schedule for the rest of the day.” Music to my ears, …

: This is why I switched from PHP/Laravel to JAMStack… The old version of Narrative First: The new …

: Welcome to my sad Black Parade. Waited 20 minutes online to buy tickets to see My Chemical Romance …

: After 13 years, Narrative First is now an app. This latest rollout lays the foundation for a …

: Achievement #34256 unlocked: experience an E.T. style Halloween St. with streets packed with kids …

: Doesn’t matter what time of day–I always fall asleep when Snoopy does his Wotld War I …

: Clicking Netlify’s Verify DNS Configuration over and over again like its the Apple store on …

: It is ridiculous how effortless it is to spin up a static site with Netlify and JAMStack. …

: An overwhelmingly insight post on Superhuman’s on-boarding and the delight with which they …

: There can be no greater than feeling, than the feeling one gets when you finally roll out an …

: My afternoons with Sam Harris are turning out to be the best 15 minutes of the day. Waking Up app

: This garage tour of Google circa 1998 is just what I needed this week:

: Funny reading an article written before my extensive work on The Holistic Premise. Like looking at …

: Also, yesterday’s AWS debacle forced me to finally integrate 13 years of blog parts and …

: Now that the last chapter of my book this year is finished, I’m clearing out articles I …

: Feels amazing to finally finish this first stage of rewriting Subtext. No more page refreshes. …

: Diving into my first manual “copying over files” from a PR in GitHub. Thinking …

: The panic when I see a todo on Things that I have NO IDEA what it means, but seems super important.

: Joker is just Taxi Driver without Jodi Foster. Incomplete, at best, but not as ambiguous as everyone …

: Listening to this track from the Spirit soundtrack and man, do I miss animating on that film. One of …

: What is this I just discovered? Experimental Hans Zimmer music from Dark Phoenix?? What a great way …

: Writing a screenplay for some of your favorite actors while simultaneously developing an app that …

: Super excited to share this next article once it’s done. I basically rewrote Casablanca from …

: Never underestimate the power of a mid-afternoon meetup with Sam Harris and the Waking Up app to get …

: Have to keep reminding myself–when server charges go up, that’s a GOOD thing :) Means …

: You know you’re out of shape when you head back to the gym after six months, and massively …

: $1 Million for Darth’s helmet in Empire? Sounds like a bargain to me.

: Much prefer Insomnia over Postman when it comes to testing API calls. Can go from 0 to 100 in 5 …

: Think I’m going to try implementing Passport today. JWT-Auth just doesn’t seem to be …

: Improving a Revolutionary Theory of Story Melanie Anne Phillips, co-creator of the Dramatica theory of story and our generation’s …

: Saturday morning heaven.

: Frozen 2 looked super-lame until that last trailer. 😳 some seriously great animation in there too. …

: Great news! We finally found an unproduced screenplay worthy of putting up in Subtext. Had a feeling …

: Wow. Just finished reading Beside Ourselves, a 2018 Nicholls Fellowship Finalist, in preparation for …

: Started playing around with the new Descript, bringing the podcast back to life. While it …

: Fun with JWT Authorization today in Vue. Nice starting point is this Authentication Course from …

: As someone who writes on their phone for a living, the loss of cursor-control in iOS is unsettling. …

: Visualizing Story Structure A perfect visual explanation of the dissonance between the Main Character and Influence Character of …

: Thought my fellow creatives might appreciate this one this morning.

: Inspired by all the great documentation in the Laravel community, I’m going to really dive …

: Hearing the soundtrack from Hook playing in the living room is a perfect alternative then having to …

: Allowing Greater Creativity What an amazing weekend! In addition to finally breaking through a challenging aspect of building …

: Great. The best part about being an adult is that no one can tell you you’re playing your …

: I’m loving the no-case life, but how does everyone avoid scratching the back with those rivets …

: Seriously hot tip here about developing for Stripe that I didn’t know.

: Weird. My watch is always on now.

: I like the look and feel of Apple Books with their menus and interactivity, but I love the Kindle …

: There’s so many cool things coming out today and tomorrow that my head explodes thinking of …

: Not sure why Sayonara Wild Hearts keeps asking me if I want to skip this part–the whole point …

: Today’s class went exceedingly well. Talked about how to balance out a relationship at the end …

: People don’t like snark. For my Evergreen Newsletter for Narrative First, I added a link to my …

: This is the closest I will get to a Midnight Green iPhone this year.

: Poop. Just realized that I accidentally ordered the Space Gray instead of Midnight Green. 5am is …

: Ok. This game is pretty crazy.

: Nothing better than defeating the demon that is mapping Javascript objects of objects and filtering …

: If you want to see how to rollout and onboard new customers, you need to check out the whole …

: And the product video for the new Descript app is even better. Inspires all kinds of creativity and …

: Rebuilding a Vue component from the ground-up, because sometimes you just need to start all over.

: Edit Your Voice by Typing Ok. This is just about the coolest thing I have ever heard of in a podcast app: With Overdub, you …

: Just when I think I’m doing all I can to teach writers about Dramatica, I run across a YT …

: Want to know what it means to traverse a quad in the Dramatica theory of story? That circle graphic …

: This week on Narrative First, a continuation of my series on the Hegelian Dialectic: Writing a …

: 683 days in a row meditating and I think I’m just starting to get it. Watched Mingyur Rinpoche …

: I love how Marcus Aurelius concerned himself with haters 2000 years ago. We don’t have time to …

: When air guitaring to Blink-182 to start your afternoon, be sure to make sure your phone went back …

: I think I just finished the first draft of my book.

: When you haven’t picked up a pen in 3 years, yet somehow get inspired by Moleskine’s …

: Don’t know what it is, but every time I have to manually sign in to Stripe, I’m reminded …

: Going on record to say it’s not a dream. What better way to set up anticipation for the next …

: The combination of the Coffee House track from the Dark Noise app and a Cortex-bingeing day is …

: The best part of the end of August is when all the movers and shakers come back from vacation eager …

: Looking nice in the new Feedbin app! This year I started writing first thing every morning. So far, …

: Hi. I have a support request. Let me see what I can do. OK, fixed. Enjoy. But the whole WORLD gets …

: Terrence Malick AND a story??! I’m so in. The Hidden Life Also, his trailers always have the best …

: Hey Siri, build me a story based on Mission Impossible: Fallout. “Sry, Jim. I can’t do …

: Fifteen years, I chose XM Radio over Sirius because they ran a Film Score channel. I loved listening …

: 10 hours straight writing. No breaks. 8 hours ago I had the wrong storyform. Ten minutes ago I …

: Fine-tuning the Holistic Premise in Subtext, and this one for Eternal Sunshine feels so perfect…

: And just like that, I’m granted access to take Subtext serverless. 😃 Going to be a GREAT …

: On the other side of using my app Subtext to write something for high-profile client. This thing is …

: Not really sure what the hubbub was with Little Woods. Pretty sure there was one more Act left to …

: Driving down Sunset and blasting the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood soundtrack after securing another …

: Friday afternoon story meeting.

: This episode of Acquired was great, particularly if you’re like me and building a product for …

: I love watching this video on Steadfast Main Characters I put together years ago. So good…and still …

: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood…three hours of watching someone watch a movie. 🙄

: Morning writing buddy.

: Tenet trailer was totally not worth it 🤣 Wasn’t a total loss. Top Gun on big screen was great, …

: While rebuilding my system from the ground-up, I forgot to install Hazel–my go to for cleaning …

: Tickets purchased for Hobbs & Shaw tonight. Mostly for the glimpse on the big-screen of Tenet. …

: Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far In Foot is evidence that creative constraints are a good …

: Delightfully surprised by the new way links open in Safari iOS 13:

: David Milch on Deadwood: “Heartfelt thanks for walking with me on my journey,” said Milch, who kept …

: The Farewell was fantastic. Expertly structured holism that explores burdens worth …

: The Farewell to Summer with Summer.

: Crisp and clean. With a new color palette.

: My annual rebuilding of Subtext is underway…which means its time to take advantage of the …

: Usage fees for Subtext tripled from a year ago. I could think of this one of two ways: one, I need …

: How I will be spending the latter half of 2019: Laravel Vapor Taking Subtext serverless thanks to …

: Watching and reading about Evan You’s talk at LaraconUS this year. So glad I made the right …

: And at 5:30pm I finally get everything back to normal. whew. 😅

: Looks like Subtext will be going serverless in August, thanks to Laravel Vapor 😃 #Laracon

: Looks like the clean sweep was the best solution to my Mojave-Beta-July-Mercury-Retrograde-woes. …

: Merry #LaraconUS -mas Eve, everyone!

: Will not read anything better this morning. The marketing luxury tactics of Superhuman. I was aware …

: When this crawls up your leg while you’re going to the bathroom, and every stick and twig you …

: 50 Years Later, Still Inspiring Well, that was a thrilling weekend. After 30+ hours of listening to real-time communications between …

: State of the art motion graphics 1969:

: When you finish writing next week’s article before you’ve even published the one for this week.

: Dreaming of Coffee “When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do? I love espresso and would happily …

: 50 year anniversaries of Moon landings should happen all the time. Kept me in my seat all day long …

: Just heard CAPCOM call home to tell his son he wouldn’t be home for dinner. 😆

: The passive-aggressive back and forth in Mission Control is classic. “Don’t worry about, …

: Was going to post something about how silly #SDCC is compared to guys actually landing on the moon. …

: 6 ½ hours from landing to finally going outside??! Just open the door and GO.

: Neil’s heartrate went up to 156 when he landed long. Mine sometimes gets up to 170 when I go …

: I’ve decided that flipping circuit breakers on the lander is just the same as hitting Cmd + R …

: A Vigilante breaks my Rotten Tomatoes 90% rule. 91%, but no story whatsoever. Watch the Apollo 11 …

: Have to admit–I love the new Top Gun trailer.

: Convert a Premise into Narrative Structure This is what popped up for me this morning, when I uploaded the narrative structure for Eternal …

: When your totally random Dramatic Argument generator seems almost too prescient:

: When refactoring and for some reason, it all worked the first time through. Not sure what to do with …

: Mood right now after running my first test: via GIPHY

: The Universe and Me Really excited about this one, this week: The Curse of the Hegelian Dialectic. Had a really strange …

: iOS 13 randomly asked me to enter Passcode over the weekend for iCloud, and this morning I was able …

: No starvation and unlimited arrows? This next generation of D&D players is lame. #daughterDM

: 50% of all story problems can be solved by splitting the Main Character’s personal problems as …

: Gary Clark, Jr. is the soundtrack for July’s in Southern California. Sounds like earthquakes …

: The 10x Engineer thread. Which is indistinguishable from satire. I like to think I can convert …

: When you look over a block of code you wrote two years ago, and realize you could do the same thing …

: Fixing an important typo on something I wrote NINE years ago, because it’s still relevant and …

: So what exactly is the Universe telling me when “Holiday Road” randomly pops up on …

: Stranger Things: Season 3 was phenomenal. Season Two was OK, which left me not all that excited …

: I haven’t felt a single earthquake. First one I was out writing and walking. Second I was …

: There is nothing more satisfying than cranking your Baratza grinder to just the right setting. ☕️🌞

: Narrative First made more in the first half of 2019 then it did in all of 2016. I can’t …

: “Hey Siri, build me an outline for a television show about a hit man who wants to quit because …

: My son, who is now 20, published a brand new composition last week: Brave Frontier. It blows me away …

: When you see Hegelian dialectic used in reference to story structure, run for ze hills. It’s …

: Building the storyform for Barry, and the idea that a theory of story could predict the specific …

: Superhuman has totally transformed the way I work. No longer do I scour chat windows in different …

: Heard from a #screenwriter yesterday who sold a television series to Spielberg and friends. He used …

: If you missed it, here’s a series of articles on the Holistic Premise. Greed leads to …

: Uhh. Got this for Father’s Day, and it makes ALL the difference. Have a feeling I’m going to get a …

: I love the focus on measuring experience in terms of milliseconds with Superhuman. Every update is …

: This clearly makes me a superior writer, right? 🙄

: Father’s Day in Pasadena, doing what my dad used to do for me. Free reign at Dick Blick’s Art …

: When you’re stuck in traffic, but still have a story meeting. #screenwriting #writingtips

: The Mustang was a thing of beauty. See it.

: When I heard fans were fixing the new Spider-Man poster, I figured it was another case of Audience …

: This book disturbed me so much, at one point I had to put it away for a couple months. Ended great.

: Just led an amazing class where we discussed the difference between the Holistic mindset and the …

: Pro tip: Put on the Dark Phoenix soundtrack. Then write. Or go for a run. You’re welcome.

: Building a complete story on your phone with your own app is awesome.

: Working with writers in Turkey now. And Indonesia. And other from the Ukraine. The internet is the …

: This month’s Dramatica Users Group meeting is all about Skyfall which will be …

: Scheduling “Lunch with [childhood hero]” is so fulfilling 😊

: Added the friendship between Hiccup and Toothless to the storyform for Dragon, because, you know, …

: Uhhhhh…Superhuman is crazy good. I’m finally going to be able to keep up with email. 🎉

: You know you hit the nail on the head when someone tells you that your work is “the biggest …

: Finally got setup with Superhuman. Impressed with the white-glove service so far (and for just …

: Well, after three days of trying I’m officially giving up on installing this first round of …

: Just solved a programming problem that I’ve been avoiding for almost two years now, and the …

: Custom watch faces would’ve been nice–but that new Solar face is all I’ve ever …

: WWDC is a conspiracy perfectly timed to keep us from enjoying the sunshine of the warmer months and …

: Six years ago, I took my last online date. She has been there through ups and downs, and supported …

: Visualizing Stories within Stories Yesterday, while explaining the Size of Mind Constant in context of narrative, I remembered this GIF …

: Rare that a screenplay could almost bring me to tears, but damn, The Olympian was great. Covering in …

: When you’re focusing all your creative energy on helping visualize a holistic understanding of …

: This looks nice 😃 (Got my invite for Flotato and making sure Subtext plays nice with it. So far, so …

: 45 minutes for one sentence. It’s a good sentence. And an important one. But man, one …

: You tell me the storyteller is King, and I’m in. #GameofThrones

: My 16-year old daughter just told me that the difference between The Matrix and Endgame was that in …

: Dude. That was wholly unsatisfying. None of it made any sense. Characters completely changed …

: You know that scene in Captain Fantastic where the kids go to a restaurant for the first time and …

: Disneyland parking: $25, 10 rows, 4 cars every 90 seconds. $2000/3min or $40G every hour. For …

: The season 2 finale of #CobraKai was incredible. Even better than the first season. That fight …

: A System More than the Sum of Its Parts Can’t sleep. An emergent property is a property which a collection or complex system has, but …

: Emergent Properties and the Science of Storytelling Doing a lot of development in the past couple of weeks on Relationships in Narrative. Everyone …

: This made me laugh so much. Observation humor.

: Learning about “friendly fraud” this fine beautiful Tuesday morning.

: Really looking forward to checking out Chernobyl tonight on HBO, written by one of the guys behind …

: Phenomenal. I feel so fortunate having had the opportunity to experience this series. #GameofThrones

: Missing Link was exquisite. The animation performances were stunning and the storytelling was …

: ‪I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited by a book release ever. Children of Time was so good. ‬

: So awesome how the thing that didn’t make any sense at the beginning of the week (persisting …

: Crazy. Just used Cloudinary to crop, scale, and focus on the face for character images in …

: The best part about working for myself is that I can take all day tomorrow to recover from The Long …

: Avengers was surprisingly great, and three hours went by in a snap. 😁 What a great way to revisit …

: Seeing Avengers because I have to.

: I know it’s fashionable nowadays to hate on Drip and love Convertkit, but I’ve received …

: No greater accomplishment then spending the entire coding some newness, only to have it all come …

: Something real about setting up payroll for your own company. Also. Tons of paperwork.

: Not reading this until June 1. Deadwood Coda Stopped here: The order of business for the day is a …

: Staying Faithful to Perceptions The Internet is a boundless source of inspiration. I wake each morning excited about what new thing …

: I like when giant magazines call you up for a pre-interview on tech in storytelling. 😁

: Loving my new watch face, courtesy of Grey Industries and the greatest podcast. Never thought to …

: Just wrote 1.1K words on writing about the conflict within relationships because EVERYONE–even …

: There’s nothing quite likely watching someone else use your app. It reminds of bringing …

: Listening to Brene Brown on vulnerability just makes me super grateful that I had parents who …

: David Milch on Alzheimer’s and ‘Deadwood: The Movie’ The sun sets on genius.

: Easter lookout.

: Why I love where I live.

: Well, there goes my April and May. Intercom’s new Product Tour looks insane and is exactly the …

: Just approved the first user-generated Source of Conflict for Subtext. This is going to be huge!!

: Tiger won the Masters! For some reason, that’s incredibly hopeful to me for 2019.

: Summer is a B-3 or a B-4. I’m an F-6. ☕️

: So good I highlighted it last year. Still so good, I’m putting it here: Which will help your …

: Locke was incredible. More movies with just Tom Hardy driving please.

: Thinking of taking Subtext serverless. Mainly because of this podcast. Lots to learn this weekend.

: More from the sleep files. This time, my sleep debt.

: Wind and Taxes and Sleep.

: Super excited about a new show I’m in called Writing with Subtext. A writer familiar with my …

: This will also never ever get old for me. A heat map of people listening to my voice to learn about …

: Watching Mississippi Burning for the first time for Dramatica class tomorrow night. Gene Hackman is …

: After four years in business, I finally ordered business cards. I think that makes it official now.

: First time with Tony Robbins. Hoping for a major breakthrough.

: Wow. This writing every day is having a huge impact on my work. Editing something I wrote only 2.5 …

: Great discussion today in the Writers Room about Genres and Sub-Genres. All about the difference …

: Once a year I get up at the crack of dawn to watch a bunch of Laravel experts do their thing. Ten …

: Just really love the iAWriter and Working Copy combo for blogging. All the articles and blog posts …

: Don’ care how many times I read Of Mice and Men. It’s beautiful every time.

: On Keeping a Journal Derek Sivers on keeping a journal: You’re doing this for your future self. Future you will want to …

: Earlier this morning, I rewrote a popular article of mine called Applying Pressure to the Main …

: Nothing beats a fresh bag. @bodhileafcoffee ☕️

: This, to me, is the hardest thing to learn when growing your own company. So, instead, celebrate …

: I just spent two hours (and five yesterday) banging my head against the keyboard because I …

: Wrote a little something on Quick Easy Wins on Narrative First this morning. Inspired by …

: This thing actually works! My technology controls my coffee which controls my technology which …

: David Milch Writes One Episode of True Detective Milch is credited as a co-writer on the fourth episode of Season 3, “The Hour and the Day.” He did …

: Cleaned up Things too, and now I’m ready for the week! Just need to find some way to remember …

: Finally took the time this afternoon to triage a year-and-a-half of podcasts in Castro. Maintenance …

: Reading Jobs-to-be-Done from Intercom and floored by the simplicity of this statement: When you’re …

: ‪Someone is experimenting with writing Throughlines that don’t integrate fully within the context of …

: Just finished running an online class where I was able to explain how stories operate and the Size …

: When you use your own app to do work, and suddenly realize how incredibly awesome it is that you …

: Why can’t it rain all the time? Makes writing so much easier.

: Sam Raimi’s The Gift just makes me miss the late 90s–a time when you could write a story …

: Watching Raimi’s The Gift for the Dramatica Users Group meeting tonight. Cate Blanchett, …

: Sometimes I write articles just to see how awesome they’ll look in Fiery Feed’s Dark …

: No Editing and no Cinematography Awards…crazy. Old institutions are just dying and no one …

: It’s wonderful to see phenomenal storytelling rewarded handsomely again in Hollywood. Lord …

: Author Murakami on not dreaming: I don’t dream. Stories are stories; a dream is a dream. And for …

: A little light reading tonight: “I think that losing the sense of free will has only improved …

: Dear Lord, Will Smith as the Genie is frightening. 😱

: Feeling really good about the next iteration of Subtext. Managed to get File Uploads out of Blade …

: What took 2.5 hours yesterday of frustration to not figure out, took 20 minutes to resolve this …

: The fact that VueJS would use Robotech to name their latest release just confirms that it’s …

: I was planning on pruning my email list tomorrow. Chillers gave the whole thing meaning with his …

: I always assumed Dark Knight Rises lacked a storyform–until I turned on the Subtitles. That, …

: It’s ridiculous how easy it is to change things out in VueJS. Once you have the components …

: Today’s Writers Room in Subtext was crazy rewarding. Started out going over new features and …

: So weird using my own app to work on client’s stories. I mean, don’t get me …

: Just wrote 600 words on the beauty that is Roma. An effortless dream you need to experience.

: Writing for Fun and Not Profit Basecamp moves off of Twitter and into a personal blog. Looks like called it. 😁 Personal …

: Paul Jarvis’ new book Company of One is fantastically motivating. Read 15% of it so far and …

: I discovered the trick to writing. And I know it’s nothing new, but it’s new to me. Just …

: Teen Titans Go to the Movies was surprisingly great! ⭐️

: Buying a ticket for Laracon Online is a no-brainer. $12 for a year’s worth of inspiration? Ok.

: The Picture-In-Picture on the Twitter app is pretty dope.

: Not Selling Yourself Seth Godin on What is Marketing? As soon as we take responsibility for the marketing we do and the …

: So, Bird Box: Malkovich is a Trump supporter. The door is the border wall. And the bird box is your …

: Hmm. Turns out, if you start watching HEAT at 10:57pm, you’ll see a hooker killed at the …

: It’s official. The Christmas music has stopped. And the 1940s station has started. It’s …

: I highly recommend the Dice Ex Machina app when rolling for your abilities. Only rolled one sub-10 …

: Shaking things up in 2019–going to be a Goliath for this year’s D&D campaign. …

: When a friend–without warning–puts you on FaceTime with a big-time Hollywood director to …

: Wanderlust was terrific. Complete storyform, naturally. I’ll be uploading to Subtext for sure. …

: Finally finished editing a podcast I recorded back in April of this year! Have ten more to go …

: And the writing and directing on Wanderlust is out-of-control. Lucy Tcherniak’s work on …

: Wow. Toni Collette should win five Oscars for her work in Wanderlust (Netflix). 😳

: Transcribing and editing podcasts by the hearth.

: I used to love these last two weeks of the year because it meant I didn’t have to work. Now, I …

: As far as I’m concerned, the New Year starts today! Went up in the hills behind my house to …

: The sun reached its lowest point ten minutes ago! It’s all uphill from here 😃

: This is confusing to me. I like broccoli more than In-n-Out now. 🥦 > 🍔

: The key to coffee is just coffee. No sugar. No coconut milk. Nothing. Just coffee. Tip for the new …

: Just saw #Spiderverse – easily the GREATEST animated movie of all time!!! No–the …

: Going to see #Spiderverse now…think the last time I was this excited was for The Empire …

: As a father of five (one’s already in college), I can totally relate to this post on Learning, …

: My favorite Mouseketeer.

: 2018 was an amazing year for us here at Narrative First. Read all about it in our Annual Report. …

: Haha!!!! I DID IT! I smashed Sam AND Ben! Ben’s trying to say it was a “Stage Win” …

: Super Smash Bros. is super frustrating. My kids kill me in this game. I can’t even tell …

: Things Dark Mode for iOS came just in time to keep me from switching back over to OmniFocus. Thanks …

: Subtext now makes accommodations for the Steadfast perspective in a narrative. Instead of Problem …

: Six weeks in, still not sick of Christmas music 🎄

: The latest iTunes clips Spider-verse 😳😳😳😳 Feel like I did when I saw The Matrix–like I’m …

: Can being made conscious of something be a Source of Conflict? Sure. You had no idea there was a …

: The nice thing about staying off of Facebook is that you don’t have to wade through …

: Took my first ECG this morning with my Apple Watch. I’m proud to say that my heart works as …

: Another night of disappointment. Waited forever for The Favourite to start–and it never did. …

: Mrs. Maisel Season 2 = True Detective Season 2. Only Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson have …

: Completely speechless. How is this real?!

: I used to come here all the time to buy Dungeons & Dragons modules when I was a kid. …

: Rapidly Developing Dreams I was writing the next lesson in an email course we offer on Narrative First–one about best …

: Just helped a screenwriter figure out every beat in Act 3 of their screenplay…in 45 minutes …

: Super excited about going over searching tomorrow in the Writers Room. Just watched it again. Such a …

: When you send out a mass email to your subscribers, and they all respond asking for the SAME feature …

: I find it almost impossible to keep this mindset, but I know its the reality of things today. …

: Turns out the soundtrack for searching is not just for hacking your daughter’s …

: Drip’s Visual Email Builder is beyond great. Stayed away from it because I remember how much I …

: “searching” was brilliant. Captivated from beginning to end.

: The new Descript 2.0 is awfully purty. And the new tagline is awesome: “A word processor with …

: Focusing on writing documentation this week for Subtext. Going to be thinking of it as writing a …

: The narrative storyform for Leave No Trace is now available in Subtext. A brilliant example of …

: Uploaded the storyform for Star Wars: The Force Awakens based on this article. ) Yet another example …

: Fixed the narrative storyform for the first season of True Detective in Subtext. Seems I had Rust as …

: Uploaded the narrative storyform for The Endless into Subtext this morning. First one in over three …

: More shots and thoughts from the Deadwood movie: We were on the new Gem set. A dozen or so cast …

: If you ever wanted to see how to take real life events and turn them into a compelling and brilliant …

: In an attempt to make myself part of the tragedy, I will say I stepped outside to thicker, …

: Subtext v.2 Released From the Subtext updates page: The latest and greatest version of Subtext is now LIVE! This release …

: Finally, finally figured out the source of an error today that has been hassling me for days now. So …

: Apparently there are 365 days in a year–not 360 as previously reported. Which means my …

: Thirteen years and one day ago my life was super easy. Thirteen years and two twins later, I’m lucky …

: Find Expert Help Writing Your Story This NaNoWriMo If you’re participating in NaNoWriMo this November, you’ll want to check out …

: Wait. What just happened? I think this app is ready to ship.

: Super bummed there aren’t new MacBook Pros today. That iPad Pro looks great–especially …

: Why the NSA Called Me After Midnight and Requested My Source Code Great story.

: Kristin Aardsma from Basecamp on customer service: They want our expertise, our consult. When I …

: First year of meditation.

: Hmmmm. What kind of an HBO show only takes two months to shoot, and requires “mock gunfire …

: The most beautiful woman in the world was born today (Oct. 27th). Happy Birthday to the one I love.

: The Killer’s new song “The Man” is really the Bee Gee’s “You Should Be …

: Just when you think you’re all ready to ship, something that was working doesn’t work …

: Saw Paul Dano’s Wildlife today. Sublime storytelling with a strong narrative running …

: Drafting a Mission Statement Justin Jackson provides a mission statement formula for creatives who make things on the Internet …

: Made a video today showing off one of the new features for Subtext: assigning multiple players to …

: Why Discord is a Thing Now Thanks to Jack over at Statamic, I now know why all the developers I know are moving from Slack to …

: Appiversary Last August marked the one-year anniversary of when I started to build Subtext,my Saas for writers. …

: My dad always gets me an inspiring book for my birthday. Sometimes it focuses on business. Sometimes …

: Tonight’s Dramatica Users Group found us looking at The Conversation–Francis Ford …

: Proof of Concept So this is pretty incredible. While I couldn’t fully use the latest version of Subtext because …

: Spent the morning quickly building out a new Model for the Storybeats in Subtext. Was planning on …

: Laravel Nova is incredible. Taylor finally released it this week, but I’ve been so busy …

: A watershed day for Narrative First: Broke through a block in developing the next version of …

: Continually Learning Something New Dramatica Users Group Meeting with Dramatica co-creator Chris Huntley. Tonight’s film was the …

: A trio of blog posts over the weekend covering the cult of Dramatica. And my intention to make those …

: Installing Chatter, a forum package, into Subtext because it’s time to start surrounding …

: The Importance of Documentation The one thing I keep putting off when it comes to Subtext, my Saas for writers, is the …

: What a great way to end the day…if you’re more of a short story writer, and …

: After a couple of hours wrestling with Screenflow, I finally managed to get an excerpt of …

: Recorded the most amazing Writer’s Room today in Subtext (my SaaS for Narrative First). …

: Watching Taylor Otwell’s Keynote for #Laracon 2018. Soooo many ideas for improving the Subtext …

: Laracon Day One First day of #Laracon was great. Watched Nova presentation as best I could. At first, I was less …

: Found a great resource for live-blogging #Laracon 2018 this year. Always get inspired by these …

: The Dramatica theory of story is really not that complicated.

: Analytics and Storytelling Statistics never work as well as we might hope. Since we’re humans, statistics don’t change minds. …

: On the Awesomeness of Our Subtext Service Novelist Mike Lucas discusses what he considers Subtext Awesomeness: The Narrative Argument: One of …

: Last night at the Dramatica Users Group Meeting we analyzed the Firefly episode “Out of …

: The Dog Days of Summer Teacher Alan Jacobs on how leaving Twitter and social media: has made me significantly calmer about …

: A Great Source of Inspiration The Work of Work “Most work is NOT coming up with The Next Big Thing. Rather, it’s making better …

: Great review of Subtext, our SaaS for writers from a novelist who learned more than simply how to …

: Just a reminder–the Narrative First Writer’s Room opens this Tuesday @ 1pm PDT. Stop by …

: The weekly community meetings for Subtext are a hit. Subs up today 😁 Love it when I hit on something …

: A Basis for Mental Relativity Dramatica co-creator Chris Huntley on the difference between Dramatica and Mental Relativity: …

: The unique narrative structure of The Death of Stalin–an insanely great political …

: The storyform for Pretty Woman is now in Subtext, based on our Users Group analysis. Come witness a …

: Beyond excited for this one—Subtext now exports your story structure directly into Fountain!! Grab …

: Part 3 of our videocast series, “An Introduction to Subtext” is now live. Watch as I …

: The storyform for one of the stories in The Accountant is now in Subtext. There’s a lot of …

: Analyzing Jaws with super genius Chris Huntley-½ of the duo that invented the Dramatica …

: Here’s that article on Deduction and Induction and the problem with taking a …

: For Those of Us Making a Difference Seth Godwin on paying for software: I like paying for my software when I’m buying it from a company …

: Subtext weekly update. Over 100 registered users, working on 190 stories with 267 narrative …

: Yesterday, I hosted my first demo of Subtext-my SaaS for rapidly developing complete stories. The …

: Subtext, our story development service, right where it belongs.

: With the latest version of Subtext firmly in place and running smoothly, I can now revert my …

: Uploaded the story structure for my favorite Black Mirror episode “Nosedive” to Subtext. See …

: The 400th storyform added to Subtext, my SaaS for writers: Han’s substory from the original Star …

: Sleeping More When You Do What You Love DHH of 37 Signals caught my attention (like he usually does) on Twitter today. This time, it’s …

: Early start to the day. I have seven weeks of podcasts to edit, a big-budget screenplay to load up …

: Being an Entrepreneur Seth Godin describes what I love about my weekdays: Entrepreneurship is a chance to trade a …

: The Story Structure of I, Tonya Resumed uploading storyforms into Subtext this morning. Today’s feature is I, Tonya–the …

: In celebration of the Season Two premiere of Westworld this weekend, we present the narrative …

: First Look at the Story Structure of Raiders of the Lost Ark The Story Structure of the Raiders of the Lost Ark A tweet from director friend @ClayKaytis inspired …

: Explaining Complicated Things in an Easy Way “It’s the mark of a charlatan to try and explain simple things in complex ways and it’s the mark of …

: Uncovering the Major Plot Points of a Complete Story Quite happy with this latest article: Uncovering the Major Plot Points of a Complete Story, the …

: Dramatica Users Group Meeting Tonight, we looked at _The Accountant_—a Ben Affleck thriller with ALOT of story 😄. Turns out the …

: Pretty excited about this week’s podcast and how it all came together. It covers something I …

: Uploaded the storyform for Three Billboards. First one with hand-off Influence Characters. In …

: Three Billboards was great–and it had to be written with Dramatica! That’s the first …

: Reworking the Analysis of Coco Working through an analysis of Coco with other Dramatica aficionados, a mistake in my article this …

: Explaining the Greatness that is The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Like the show itself, there is so much to love about the storyform for the first season of The …

: Particularly proud of this analysis of Lady Bird. The integration with the Narrative First app is …

: First article of 2018: Dramatica: A Journey Towards a Better Understanding of Story. There really is …

: A Dramatica analysis of Dr. Strangelove from last night’s class. Satire without a story. …

: The Magic of Quickly Building Ideas for the World So, this is what I was working on this weekend, and what I’m releasing tomorrow: Storyform …

: Teaching Story Structure at Career Day So easy, even a Kindergartener could understand 🤓 Thank God for Summer, who stepped in & helped …

: Apparently I didn’t start going to Dramatica classes until 1998, not 96 like I used to think. Which …

: Next week, I get to visit the Dramatica archives. Which is just like visiting the DisneyARL, only …

: Dramatica Story theory is all about helping you effectively communicate that message your heart …

: Analyzing La La Land with Dramatica co-creator Chris Huntley and a handful of Dramatica Story …

: And with that, we’re done! 360 storyforms complete with Thematic Arguments reducing Dramatica’s …

: Pretty amazed at how off many of the encodings are for the Dramatica Comprehensive Analyses in DSE. …