New AI-Powered Storytelling Workshops

Been obsessed lately with getting things done and getting stories across the finish line more so than teaching (especially since I built my replacement for that in Subtxt Muse!). So what I did was I split the AI-Powered Storytelling cohort into two: Essentials and Advanced.

Advanced is the classic 6-week schedule I’ve been doing for years. Essentials is 3-week once a week.

What’s even better, because of all the advancements in AI and reliability I can now offer a FREE year of Subtxt with these workshops.

Essentials comes with Subtxt Baseline.

Advanced comes with Subtxt Quantum. 🤯

You can read about all the details here: The Narrative First Workshop

Or you can sign up directly here in Maven:

AI-Powered Storytelling Essentials

Advanced AI-Powered Storytelling

Until Monday, Advanced has a promo code for $200 (that link above)


James R. Hull @jhull