New York Magazine TV critic Matt Zoller Steitz on an often unloved Nolan offering:
At some point I should write a piece about how I was lukewarm on Christopher Nolan (found him technically impressive but cold) until one film destroyed me emotionally and I retroactively changed my opinion on all his previous films. That movie, oddly: The Dark Knight Rises.
I initially wrote it off as an incomplete narrative, but revised my analysis of TKDR when I could actually hear Bane’s dialogue.
Knowing that Nolan’s kids refer to him as “Woodcock” after the Daniel-Day Lewis character in Phantom Thread gives the film an even greater resonance now.
Matt is a great follow, and a lover of cinema. His connection of Michael Caine’s line “hoping that you’d never come back” with children and driven fathers rings home. The idea that I didn’t make the connection myself tells me something more.
I hope Matt publishes the article.